Gold almost breaks free, you try to help with your own tendrils and the rest of the power you have


You feel your grip slipping as well as see Dreams' grip slipping. You slightly panic.



You hated that feeling.

The dizziness and the horrible feeling you get from traveling through multiverses.

You gag.

Clearing the black spots from your vision, you see Dream beside you, panting and tired. His tendrils were gone but he was still fine. You also felt your power returning to you thankfully.

You felt more powerful.

You look at Gold And see that the wings are gone... well.. not completely gone.

They were there, but very transparent and weak looking. He'll be able to fly, but not block any attacks with them as they aren't as strong as they were back in his multiverse.

"Awww," Dream outs, "They're gone."

"Sorry bud," you sigh as you pat his head.

You were calm right now because GOld was unconscious. The amount of power fluctuation was too great and his body couldn't get used to it on time so he passed out. And it probably hurt. Like it did with you as it felt horrible feeling so weak.

"We have to bring him to the castle," you say and Dream looks at you, confused.

"Why? Can't we just talk to him now?"

"He's still a formidable enemy Dream and we can't take any chances. Right now when not in my Au, we are at equal power. I need a power rise as well as get rid of this stupid fatigue I have," you sigh, "Hey, Night, is it ok if I switch with you and sleep? I'm tired."

Nightmare nods, 'Yeah, go rest. You'll probably be out for a while. What do you want me and Corrupt to do in that time?'

You switch out with Nightmare and yawn, 'Try to talk sense into Gold. Make him think and realize about the balance. The others will come when they're done with the fight and will probably bring that multiverse Blue and Ink over. So make nicknames for them I guess. And call over Error to tell him to lock Gold as well as later add the others in the au with the castle so that they wouldn't be able to get out. So that he doesn't die, make a weak barrier of negativity. And don't seclude him. That's bad for humans. I would know. And give them therapy... well, except for Ink, He's emotionless like ours... but maybe it doesn't hurt to try. Well, you make the call. But the other 2, they're not mentally well, I know that.'

Blue, because of what happened with him and his brother, Stretch.

Gold, and the villagers basically feeding his ego and about positivity and how great it was as well as the death of his first love, Ani.

Ink.. well he also did not feel emotions but he was influenced by Gold as Gold's aura allowed Ink to feel some emotions. And there were also a lot of things speculating Inks past but you weren't sure what it was which was why you were unsure about him.

"Will do," Nightmare smiles and you fall asleep.


"I still do not accept this. It is idiotic," Someone grumbles.

Someone else chuckles and you hear a sigh from yourself... well... Corrupt.

"Whether you like it or not. It is required. Marama... is really bent on everything going well and you getting better for some reason. Now if it were me..." A dangerous aura filled the room, "I would have killed you a long time ago."

You wake up fully and quietly watch the situation.

Gold was eating, disdain shown clearly in his face, at the dining room table, the others also there. Ink was eating food as well, with no emotion. Blue was grinning and talking to Killer. Looking like he was right at home. And the meme squad sat at the table as well, talking with Murder, Axe, and Onyx.

Gold had strings entwined in his wings. Error's strings. They weren't tight and did not restrict wing movement, but you could see that they were meant to stop Gold's wings if Gold were to use them to take flight. And all 3 wore a bracelet made from blue string that was not able to come off.

"And how long until Marama wakes up?" Error grumbles, complaining.

"Soon. Stop complaining and being a nuisance," Corrupt replies, annoyed.

You chuckled and Nightmare hugged you immediately when he noticed your presence.

"Ah. Finally, good evening Marama," everyone perks up and Gold, as well as Ink and Blue look at Corrupt with confused expressions.

'You didn't tell them?'

"It would be annoying if I did and Nightmare agreed. Good luck explaining it yourself," Corrupt rolls his eye light and leaves the body and you panic as you hurriedly take his place.

You almost fall.

"Then how did Nightmare keep control of the body since his bones would reform and not stay like," you motion to the body, "This?!" Corrupt doesn't answer and outright ignores you and you let an annoyed huff escape.

'... we just avoided answering they're questions,' Nightmare sweatdropped and then went into the mind space.

Gold and the other 2 stare in shock.

The gang rushes over and hugs you, successfully toppling you over which makes a dog pile.

"Yep, it's all good, thanks guys," You wheezed out from under the pile, "Can you please explain the situation between me, Night, and Corrupt? And also update me on what's happened during the time I was asleep."

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now