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The arena the screen shows the Flamel couple, along with the black twins and their friends are are there for support.

"So who do you think is gonna win" Pansy asked and the rest look at her deadpan after asking the obvious.

"Okay I admit that was a stupid question" Pansy said.

"Good to know" Draco said sarcastically.

"Really Pan" Carina ask mockingly with her raised her eyebrow.

"We've been through this remember, they are gonna lose if sis is there" Caelum said making the rest nodded in agreement.

Pansy sigh and said uncertainly " maybe there is someone who is gonna be a challenged to her this year"

"Even you don't believe what your saying" Freya said after noticing her uncertainly on her voice.

"Yeah I know" Pansy said with a tired sigh.

Daphne scoff while rolling her eyes and said sarcastically "yeah right tell it to yourself again you may believe it"

Before anyone could say anything the lights dimmed down and the host stepped onto the podium.

Everyone settled down and begin paying attention to the tournament.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" The host began in french but the group could all understand.

"Welcome to the Under-15 International Duelling championship for the year 1992! We're going to have our preliminary rounds today, and those who are qualify will eligible for tomorrow's tournament. Those who is qualify for the Quarter Finals in the morning will take parts in the Semi-Finals that afternoon. The winners Semi-Finals will take part that night. So shall we begin!?" He asked making the crowd roared.

"Our first match is between Mr Adonis of Greece and Ms Cassiopeia black of Britain who won the championship as three years in a row. Let's give them a round of applause." He said.

Cassiopeia entered withthe arena expressionless face and powerful aura around her and roared of applaused.

The Greek boy gulp nervously and muttered "first round and Im already lost, what a luck I have!"

"He already know that he is gonna be defeated" Stefan couldn't help but comment seeing her opponent nervous.

"Expelliarmus" The Greek boy shouted.

A red jet light headed towards Cassiopeia, but neatly dodge it.

"Langlock; Expelliarmus; Stupefy" Cassiopeia immediately casted.

The three silent spells hit the mark, Her opponent's tongue got stuck to the roof of his mouth. His wand flew out of his hand and stunner hit him in the chest. The boy dropped to the ground unconscious.

Everyone who didn't see her in a fight yet, was quite and seeing her sheer of her magic making everyone astounded and disbelief.

"That was awesome!" Henrik said in awe making kol nodded rapidly.

Cassiopeia puff her chest proudly making and Rebekah seeing this smack her head and Cassiopeia pouted at her and Rebekah ignore her.

The whole stadium was quite about how fast the fight ended again.

The host recovered quickly and said "Amazing! That was an impressive display of non-verbal magic once again!, The winner is Cassiopeia black of Britain"

The crowd roared and clapped many recognized her as the one who earned being a champion for Three years straight without lose.

"THAT'S OUR SISTER!" Carina shouted while clapping her hands.

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