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In Professor Flitwick's class. Filtwick is very short, and is standing on a bunch of books to make up for his stature and to see his class.

The royal Court smirk knowing what's gonna happen.

Flitwick said "One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" [Hermione raises hers.] "Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone."

All said"The swish and flick."

Flitwick said "Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then."

The class begin to enunciate and doing the movements on their feathers

Carina, Daphne and Pansy are the first one to do it.

Flitwick said "Wonderful job, Ms.black, Ms.Greengrass, and Ms. Parkinson, ten points at Slytherin each"

Carina, Daphne and Pansy looked at the boys with smug look making the boys irritated.

"Must you three have to antagonizing boys" Cassiopeia sigh.

"Yep" The three said at the same time.

Caelum and Blaise are the next who succeeded the last are Draco and Theo.

Flitwick said " well done Slytherin, five points each for you, Mr.black, Mr.malfoy, Mr.Nott, and Mr.Zabini."

Hermione glared at them feeling annoyed thinking that they cheated.

Ron said "Wingardrium Leviosar!"  [he waves his wand fast numerous times. Hermione stops him.]

Hermione said "Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Leviosar."

"Sweet Merlin, I was a pain" Hermione said to herself.

"Really, how did figure" Carina said sarcastically making her friends and the Mikaelson beside Finn and Elijah snicker.

Ron said "You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on."

Hermione straightens up, smiles, and swishes her wand.

Hermione: Wingardium Leviosa. [Her feather glows and lifts.]

Flitwick said "Oh, well done! Ms.Granger"

Hermione look at the group of Slytherin with smug looks

"Why do you look smug, your not the first anyway" Freya comment making Hermione blush in embarrassment and a smirk from Daphne.

Blaise notice the look that is a Gryffindor throwing at them and nudge his elbow to his friends.

"What!" Caelum snap.

"Look at that way" Blaise said while pointing at someone.

They look at the direction and seen a Muggle born look at them with smug look.

"Why is she looking at us like that" Carina ask with tilted her head.

"Maybe she thought we're competing to her" Theo conclude.

"Who cares" Pansy said boredly.

They look at each other and shrug ignoring her.

Ron puts his head on his books dejectedly. Matteo scowls and continues as well. Seamus begins swishing at his feather.

Seamus said "Wingard Levosa."

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