Chapter 13

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•Katsukis POV•

I bite my lip to distract myself from the freezing temperature of the sea water. Why couldn't we have gotten stranded on some fucking tropical island instead?!

I swear it's like nature is laughing right at me. The sun is blazing hot even while the waters cold, I can feel a sunburn coming in already.

I grip my spear tight and keep looking around. I'm pretty far from shore. The ocean water reaches up past my bellybutton, at least I don't have my shirt on. It'd get soaked.

After watching and waiting for a few minutes I get annoyed, I gotta go deeper into the water. Guess I gotta actually swim instead of just wading through the shallow parts.

I swim out farther. At this point I can't even touch the sea floor anymore. I can barely see anything below me. The waters too deep and murky.

That shit freaks me out, but I stay put. Trying to stay as still as possible while I lightly keep myself afloat. If I scare all the fish away all this bullcrap is gonna be for nothing.

I see something move out of the corner of my eye and I spin around, water splashing from my sudden movements. I lift my spear and get ready to fucking destroy whatever it is.

God dammit, there's nothing there. What the hell?

I huff, realizing that now I might of scared off any fish that were swimming near me.

"How hard can it be to catch a mother-fucking fish.."

I grumble, continuing to look around.

Fuck it. I'm diving down.

I take a gulp of air. Letting it fill my lungs as much as possible before I dive straight down, spear in hand.

I pry my eyes open, even though the salty ocean water is making them sting like a bitch, I push through it.

With the blurriness and murky water I can't see shit. I can just make out some rough coral along the the sea floor, but that's it. My chest starts to tighten and my lungs sting, letting me know I can't stay underwater much longer.

Just as I start to swim up I feel a sharp ass pain in my leg. I groan, little bubbles come out of my nose because I can't really make noise underwater.

Could my luck even get any worse? The stupid coral left a huge gash in my leg. Dark blood flows out, mixing with the water and floating aimlessly.

My leg isn't the only thing that hurts now, my lungs are begging, screaming for air. I feel my heartbeat rise from the stress I'm putting my body under, my mind starts to go fuzzy.

Holy shit, l could drown.

I immediately start to panic and push myself up to the surface. My whole body aches now and I feel like I'm gonna puke.

All because I wanted to get some fucking fish and do something nice for my boyf- Izuku.

I finally reach the surface.

I gasp for air like it's the first and last breath I'll ever take. My heart is still beating quick but I can feel it starting to slow down. Now I'm grateful for every time I suck air into my lungs.

I see the blood floating around in the water. The salt gets in the wound and makes the pain even worse. I'm so drained.

But then I see it.

A decently sized fish, just waiting to be dinner.

I smirk, I know exactly what's going on the end of my spear in about...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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