Chapter 5

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Katsuki's point of view.

As Deku and I walked over to the trees lining the edge of the island on the opposite side my mind started to race.

What's next?

How do we get back?

Where are we?

What's going on with everyone else?

What if.. What if.. What if..

"Hey Kacchan are you alright?"

I look over to Deku and see him giving me a concerned look.

"Tch, why wouldn't I be ok you fuckin nerd?" I say as we continue walking, Deku shrugs.

"I don't know, you just seemed out of it I guess."

"Well I'm fine, so quit worrying."

He huffs in defeat and I playfully punch his shoulder.

"Ugh so mean." He fake pouts and I left out a low chuckle, to which he smirks.

"I heard that" he says teasingly. "You laughed. I didn't know you had emotions other than anger" To which I roll my eyes.

"Oh shut it you idiot"

We reach the forest and look around the trees.

"Wow the trees are so tall!" He remarks as he skips over to them, surprising me with his happy attitude since we're in a less-than-happy type of situation.

We both walk into the forest and look around us, taking in the new environment.

"I'll try to find anything we could use to shelter ourselves,  can you try to find anything we can eat?" I say as I already start looking for loose twigs that were acceptable.

"Aye aye sir!" He said in an over dramatic way and I scoff with a smirk on my face. We part ways and I walk deeper into the forest.

-Time skip- about 25 minutes.

I picked up another stick and placed it onto the pile I'd been carrying and scanned it quickly, noticing that I had a good amount. I started heading towards where we came from and back to the island.

"Deku?" I yell out, listening for a response that never came.

I eventually made my way out of the forest and saw that the sun was starting to set and the sky became a swirl of orange, pink and purple.

I heard a snore next to me and I noticed that Deku was sleeping peacefully on the sand with a few mushrooms in his hand that identified as Chanterelle mushrooms that were safe to eat and I smiled.

I kneeled down and poked the nerds forehead and he started to stir in his sleep, whining about "5 more minutes".

"Deku wake your ass up" I said as I shook him lightly, his eyes opened drearily.

"Kacchan? Ugh my head hurts" He groaned and began to sit up and i quirked a brow at his strange attitude.

"What's wrong with your head?" I asked and he didn't reply, heightening my concern.

"Let's just hurry back and make some sort of shelter before night, can you get up or do you need a piggyback ride?" I joked and he rolled his eyes.

"Ugh Cmon Kacchan stop being a jerk. Let's go"

"What's got you in such a bad mood?" I questioned.

He looked away and replied with a short "I don't know."

I decided to leave it at that because he obviously didn't want to talk about it. And I don't care.

We stopped at a part in the sand that I thought was a good spot, almost directly in between the water and the trees.

I dropped the sticks and some big leaves I found onto the sand carelessly and took a look at the mushrooms that Deku was holding. We should probably cook them so I'll just use my quirk to start a small fire.

I stack the sticks into a small pile and move my hands near them and go to set my quirk off.

Nothing happened.

I look at my hands and see that I don't have any sweat forming on my hands so I warm them up.

Deku gives me a questioning look and watches as I go to ignite my quirk again.

No result.

"Dammit! What the hells wrong with my quirk?!" I shout and keep trying to make any explosion, even a small one but to no avail.

"Wait a second, let me test something.." Deku says and I just look at him, confused about what he wants to "test".

He bunches his hands into fists and seems like he's straining to do something, until he gives up.

"What was that? You looked constipated." I joke and he lets out a frustrated sigh.

"My quirk isn't working either, and think about it.. there were two villains on the boat and only one of their quirks made us sleepy, but we don't know what the other's quirk did. What if it was some sort of quirk erasure?"

I take some time to consider what he said and I rub my temples with my hand.

"Well then this just got a lot harder. We don't know how the quirk erasure works or how long it lasts." I state with a small "Tch" at the end.

"Whatever, we just need to make a small tent of some sort, help me out would you?" I say and look at Deku.

"Yeah I'll help. Just tell me what to do!"

-Time skip, around 15 minutes.-

Deku and I stand back and look at our work. It's not the prettiest but it's functional and will get us through the night.

"We did it! Yes!- Argh!" Deku's cheering is cut off by him grabbing his stomach and wobbling, nearly falling.

I caught him before he could stumble over and led him into the makeshift tent.

"What was that? What's wrong you, and I'm not taking "I don't know" as an answer." I interrogate him and mock what he said before, he continues to hold his stomach so I lie him down.

"You're gonna be really mad.." He starts.

"Just fucking tell me already. What. Happened?" I look at him sternly and he looks around at everything but me.

"Well.. I maybe sorta took a bite of a mushroom that I wasn't sure about and now I'm starting to think it's making me sick." He sped up his talking at the end, probably to try and distract me from what he said. But I heard it, and I'm fucking furious.

"You what? Are you serious Deku?! You don't just go popping shit into your mouth like pills and hope it's alright just- ugh whatever. We just have to make sure you don't fucking die."


Wow another chapter after like half a year! Woah! Haha anyway I hope anyone who comes across this enjoys and just to let you know I will try to be more consistent with my updates.

Bye! <3

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