Chaper 1

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9:00 am

3rd person POV.

"Seems that everyone's here. Now since we have some extra time before we go, does anyone have any questions?" The tired, hobo looking teacher asked as he looked around the class. His monotone voice sounding tired, most likely from his lack of sleep.

"Aizawa sensei! I have something to ask!" A dark blue, short haired male with glasses resting on his face spoke. His hand stiffly raised into the air.

"Go ahead Iida." The man known as Aizawa, the teacher of UA's hero course from class 1A, said.

"Why must we travel to an island? Couldn't we stay by UA to train?" Iida asked and put his hand back down by his side.

"Well since the League of villains have attacked multiple times we decided it would be safer farther away where they can't locate us. We don't want another situation like the training camp happening." The black haired teacher answered and Iida nodded his head in understanding.

"Anymore questions?" Aizawa asked once again, fiddling with his medium length black hair. A small boy with round purple hair raised his hand, though you could barely see it due to his small size.

"Yes Mineta?" Aizawa questioned, having to look all the way down to see him.

"Where are we gonna be sleeping once we get to the island? Is there gonna be tents or dorms? Are the girls and boys gonna share!?" The teen, who looked like a kindergartener due to his size, asked. His mouth drooling at the thought of women, because he's clearly never touched one.

Aizawa sighed.

"There's going to be tents on the island that fit about 4 people in one. And no the girls and boys will be not be sharing understood?" He sternly said, glaring at Mineta which earned a gulp from the purple haired (or whatever you call it) pervert as he sat back down.

Aizawa looked at the watch on his wrist, it read 9:12. They were supposed to leave at 9:30 but since everyone was already in class he decided they could leave a bit early.

"We're going to be leaving sooner than expected. Grab your bags and follow me out the door." He said while picking up a bag, already making his way out of the room to wait by the door.

He exited the classroom and it immediately broke out in excited chatter. Groups forming and hanging around each other while some just gathered their things in peace.

"I can't believe we get a whole week by the ocean! Isn't it so exciting?"

"This will be a great opportunity to enhance our quirks! As class representative I will make sure you're training hard!"

"G-girls in bikinis! Skinny, tight s-small bikinis! Boobs?? Oh man this is gonna be better than porn."

"You really are a little piece of shit aren't you Mineta?"

"HEY! Shut it sparky"

"Bakubro! We'll get to do some serious training with our quirks dude, aren't you excited?!"

"Tch Fuck off shitty hair."

Class 1A walked out the door in a single file line behind their teacher, Iida strictly waving his arms in chopping motions explaining something, to which Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Kacchan! Aren't you excited for this trip?" A boy with fluffy green hair spoke towards the blond boy with the nickname of 'Kacchan.'

"Tch stuipid nerd! Don't get all excited, I'll surpass you and wipe that smile right off your face!"He yelled and squinted his red eyes.

Izuku smiled with a look of determination before speaking. "We'll see about that, wont we."

The blonde boy's eyebrow twitched with anger as he looked at Deku.

"Damn you Deku! I'll be even stronger than All might you hear me?! HEY don't ignore me-" His yelling was cut short by a scarf tying around his mouth. He looked in the direction it came from to see an angry Aizawa glaring at him with his glowing red eyes and his hair floating. The sight made Katsuki shiver.

"No yelling Bakugo. You should know this by now." He sternly warned before unwrapping the scarf from Katsuki's mouth.

"Tch." Was all the blond boy replied with before Aizawa started walking with a trail of students behind him.

What could go wrong? It's just a training camp.


-Woo hoo a new story that should have been made a long time ago! Anyways sorry about the short chapter, didn't want to make it too long since it's the first one


724 words. (●'◡'●)ノ

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