Chapter 10

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Deku's point of view-

As I lay on my little bed I start to think..

I think about how worried I am.

I know it sounds stupid but I just can't stop thinking about all the bad things that could happen!

What if we die and nobody finds us?

What if one of us gets hurt.. what if it's Kacchan who gets hurt?!

What if nobody is looking for us?

Are our classmates dead?

What happened to them?

Oh my god what about my mom?

She's probably worried sick!

A tear rolling down my cheek knocks me out of my thoughts. I wipe it away angrily and shake my head.

Im being such a baby!

You got into UA but you're so useless.

Go do something important for once.

You're making Kacchan do all the work.

What are you good for?

I crawl out of the tent, looking behind me at Kacchan's peaceful, sleeping face.

He's amazing. I wish I could be more like him.

I get out of the tent and feel the cold breeze embrace my body. My clothes are still damp from jumping in the water so that doesn't help, I shiver.

I know if Kacchan was awake right now he'd be yelling at me about, "trying to get sick" or "not taking care of myself properly" but I just can't sleep. Feeling alone with my thoughts isn't definitely isn't helping, but I can't wake him up..

I look at my hand and all the scars on it, frowning. All this training and I couldn't stop the villains on the boat. I try activating One For All but it doesn't work. Of course not.

I walk across the cold sand towards the water. The salty ocean smell hitting my nose.

The moon lit waves glisten and rush onto the shore. It calms me, I let a brief smile appear on my face for just a moment. I wanna forget all about my pain. It makes my heart feel heavy and it's hard to breath.

I lay on my back and gaze at the stars. So far but they're still so bright. No matter how far away they are we can always count on them to be there in the sky.

My eyelids begin to close and even though I try to keep them open, they shut against my will. Before I realize it, I'm falling asleep on the sand.

Katsuki POV

A weird feeling moves softly across my arm and I shift in my bed, trying to stop it. A few seconds later I feel it again. I open my eyes, aggravated.

But then I see it.

A huge spider.

A HUGE fucking spider.

The size of my palm.. or bigger??

On my arm..


"AH FUCK! OH MY GOD! DIE!" I yell at the spider and go to smack it, but it crawls away before I can smoosh the thing to hell.

I rush out of the tent and swat at my arms, feeling paranoid that it's still on me.

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