Chapter 12

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•Katsuki's point of view•

-3 days later-

I swear to god, im so sick of this damn island.

It's been.. how long has it been? I don't even know. Probably not too long. But still, it's a living hell.

It's hot

There's spiders

It's cold at night, like pick a god damn side, hot or cold! Reminds me of iceyhot, I can't believe I miss the extras at UA.

And this survival shit is exhausting for Izuku, I can tell because he just keeps looking more sad and tired.

To be honest, it breaks my heart to see him like that.

I keep carving away at this stick I found with a sharp rock, wildling it down to a thin, fine point. Still, I can't help getting lost in thought

Thinking about that night I spent with Izuku, we kissed, he actually let me kiss him

I take a deep breath. Anytime I think about the kisses it just sucks all the air out of my lungs and takes my breath away

I could take his breath away.


Chill out, there's more important stuff to worry about

Whatever. First things first, maybe I could cheer him up a little bit.

I smile, suddenly getting an idea

I set my stick and rock down, then walk towards the tent. I'm trying to quietly get the net I made the day before, it really wasn't too hard to make it. Palm leaves are easy enough to weave

Izuku starts to open his eyes and stretch, I suddenly feel bad that I woke him up.

"Kacchan?" He trys to open his eyes, but the nerds obviously exhausted and it doesn't work. So he just rolls over, closing them again.

"Shit, I didn't mean to wake you up. You feelin okay?" I say in a soft tone, not wanting to startle him.

"Yeah, m' okay.." I smirk, he's so adorable when he's tired.

I can't help it and I lean down to kiss his forehead. Oops, why the fuck did I do that.. okay whatever.

I see him start to smile, he's definitely trying to hide it but it doesn't work at all because I notice

I grab the net and quietly slip out of the tent, seeing that he already fell back asleep. We really need to get out of here.

This is all so draining.

I sigh, brining my hand up to rub at my temples, then run through my hair.

The waves crash against the sand. The sea foam glides back and forth from the waves. The tide is really high today, not good but it'll be fine.

We're gonna be okay.

I grab my stick and inspect the tip, it's probably sharp enough. I guess I'm all ready then..

But damn, the water still freaks me out. I never know what's lurking inside..


476 words

Did any of y'all see what I did there??

You'll know soon if you didn't noticeee 😋

Anyway this is a bit of a shorter chapter, peace before the storm I suppose?? Maybe not, who knows!
I do 😈

Alrightt I'll stop teasing 🙄


Ps, I've been going back and editing the story a little bit because of bad grammar. My past self needed some work, but if you notice anything different that's why <33

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