Chapter 3

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Katsuki's POV

As me and some extras were talking -well more like them talking and me occasionally speaking up- round cheeks skips over to us.

"Hey! Do you guys wanna play board games with the class? It would be super fun!" She says and shitty hair smiles, showing off his point shark teeth.

"Yeah that sounds great! We're in" He says while pinky and dunce face nod in agreement.

"Hey I never agreed to this shit!" I yell at them as they walk away with pink cheeks, though I still follow behind them.

"Oh come on Kacchan it'll be fun!" The yellow haired idiot says and I roll my eyes.


As we walk I see frog girl, speedy dude and Deku sitting on one of the couches by the railing and once the shitty nerd spots me he smiles and runs over to us.

"Kacchan you actually wanted to play? I'm so glad!" He says with a bright smile on his face and I let out a small 'tch' and squint my eyes at him.

"What's that supposed to mean hah?! Think I can't be social you nerd?!" I bark at him and he laughs nervously while scratching the back of his head.

"No that's not what I mean! I just thought you hated everyone so you wouldn't wanna hang out and now I'm rambling but-"

I growl and cut him off by flicking his forehead, which does the trick.

"Jeez do you ever shut up you idiot?" I mutter ask he rubs the spot I flicked with a pout on his face.

"Kacchan's so mean.." he whispers quietly though I still hear it. I huff at him and cross my arms.

"Oh shut it you dumbass! I'm not mean you're just weak."

"No I'm pretty sure you're just angry all the time"


"See what I mean?"

"Oh you bastard!"

"You're just proving my point further! All you ever do is yell!"





As we bicker people look at us but I ignore them, what they think of me doesn't matter. We continue to yell and throw insults at each other when people start to fall over? What the..?

"Kacchan shut up for a second. Look!"

I was about to yell at him for telling me to shut up but he points towards the crowds of our classmates falling over and a look of confusion spreads across my face.

"What the fuck.." I mumble as I eye the people falling, trying to understand what could be happening.

"We've gotta help them! We have to go!" says with worry evident in his tone as he starts to rush over to our classmates but I grab his arm.

"You idiot! There's obviously something making them pass out so we can't just go running over there! Are you stupid?!" I scream at him.

"Right.. You're right... Then what can we do?" He stops running and faces me. I go to speak but the world feels like it starts to spin and I get dizzy, which seems to be the same for Deku as he starts stumbling around trying to regain his footing.

"Ah fucK what the hEll is this?" I fumble over my words and I look down to see a semi transparent sort of pink fog running up my legs.

Deku's back hits the railing and he tried to push away but he stumbles backwards again. I see his blurry figure start to fall..

Right over the edge.

"DeKu you bastard!" I yell with the little strength I have left.

He starts to fall back and in a panic I reach for his arm, only for my leg to give out making me fall with him.

He's passed out at this point and I see the water approaching below. My vision becomes foggier but I still see Deku falling with me, I hold him tight to my chest and squeeze my eyes shut. Then it all goes black.

Heyy.. so I'm not dead 😃. I haven't posted in WeEkS so sorry for that! I only just got motivation to post again 💀. Anyway this is sort of a shot chapter but the ones to come will be longer!

725 words.

7/27/21 ¯\_()_/¯

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