Chaper 4

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Izuku's POV

I started to regain my senses and wake up, the sound of waves crashing against the shore and seagulls filled my ears. Wait what?

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the blinding sun. I raised my hand to block the light and a sharp pain shot though my arm making me groan in pain.

I sat up carefully to not hurt my arm and faced away from the sun. Taking a look at where the pain was my eyes widened in shock.

Dried blood. Everywhere. There was a huge gash running up my right arm. I lightly dusted the sand away from the wound and hissed in pain.

I looked around and saw the ocean crashing onto the sand. What happened, why am I here?

Suddenly the memories flooded back and I got a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I'm all alone. On a random island in the middle of nowhere.

I heard a rustling in the sand beside me. I jumped back and looked towards the sound to see spiked blond hair.. wait a minute KACCHAN?!

"That's right..he jumped overboard to save me." I muttered as I eyed Kacchan while he was unconscious.

Ok correction to my earlier thoughts. I'm all alone -with Kacchan- on a random island in the middle of nowhere. Still not the best of situations.

"Psst. Kacchan." I gently tapped his shoulder with my un-injured arm trying to get him to wake up. He grunted before rolling over, turning his back away from me.

"Kacchan." I said, this time was a little louder.

He was still asleep and I was getting fed up. I inhaled deeply before shouting.


He jolted up and looked around before his eyes landed on me. A scowl now rested on his face.

"Fucking hell. Why did you wake me up shit nerd?!" He yelled. I just gave him a look that screamed 'really?'

"Are you serious? Take a look around THEN ask me that again." I said. He looked around and his eyes widened.

"Oh shit" he mumbled under his breath.

"Oh fuck this is really bad.." he muttered. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ya think?" I scoff in a playful way before giggling. He turns to me with a scowl before his eyes land on my arm and his scowl fades to a face of worry.

"What the fuck happened to your arm?" He furrows his eyebrows in concern while scooting closer to see my wound better.

"This? It's nothing. I've dealt with worse." I laugh softly at the end.

"Deku are you serious? Yeah sure you've had worse happen but this could get fucking infected and we don't have recovery girl to help!" He shouts at me, seeming mad but I can still hear the concern in his voice.

I smirk at him. "Is somebody worried for me?"

"Deku I swear to All Might this is not the time." He says as he lifts my right arm up to inspect the wound, making me suck in a pained breath.

"Shit.. we have to clean this somehow. How the hell did you even get cut?" Kacchan grumbles.

"I'm not sure. It could have been rock or a sharp piece of coral.."

"Fuck. Ok first things first we need to get off this island and get you to a doctor or recovery girl." The blond says as he continues to inspect my cut.

"But how do we do that? We don't even know where we are so how do we get back? Mr Aizawa might not be able to locate us for a while so who knows how long we'll be here for!" I ranted, stress overwhelming me and I grip my hair tightly.

I felt a hand hold my wrist and pull it away from my hair. I look over and see Kacchan giving me an annoyed look.

"Deku shut the fuck up. Don't fuckin worry cause there will probably be some pros looking for us. We'll be fine. Now take deep breaths to calm down." He reassured me and I did as he said. Taking in large breaths before exhaling, making the tightness in my chest lessen.

"Sorry Kacchan.. and thanks." I spoke and looked up to meet the gaze of Kacchans red eyes with mine. He scowled before responding.

"What for you shitty nerd?" He asked while leaning back and using his arms to prop himself up behind him.

"Jumping overboard for me. I know it sounds stupid but I'm grateful you would go that far to save someone." I smiled and him and he scoffed.

"Not anyone you idiot.." He says and I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" He looked at me for a second before standing up and clearing his throat, avoiding my question.

"Uh well we need to fucking set up some sort of camp. We don't know how long we'll be here so we need basic resources." He instructed whilst extending a hand out to me. I smiled before grabbing on as he hoisted me up.

"You're being strangely nice." I muttered, to which I revived an eye roll from the blond.

"Oi shut it." He said as he started walking towards the tress that were on the other side of the island.

"Wait but why are we going over here?" I asked, catching up to him then matching his pace.

"Obviously we'll need some sort of shelter for the night you idiot."

"Oh whoops I should have probably realized that 😅"

"Ugh how can you be a nerd and stupid at the same time?"

"Aw Cmon!"


Heyo readers! I know I promised I'd post everyday and I'm really sorry! Things have been sorta stressful so I haven't had the time to finish chapters. Anyway thanks for reading! Bye for now! <3

987 words

7/30/21 ( )

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