Chapter 8

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Izuku's Point of view.

We strolled down to the trees together, the sand sounded crunchy under my shoes as I skipped.

"You're such a nerd." Kacchan says with a small chuckle that I smile at.

"Oh stop nagging me." I tease and earn an eye roll from him.

"Shut it you looser."

"Make me, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight" I giggle and start running away from him, my green hair blowing in the breeze from my fast pace.

"Hey! You get back here!" He yells and starts to chase after me, but I can tell he's not actually mad.

I keep running, giggling all the way and I start to run out of breath, I slow down and get tackled to the ground. I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

We roll in the sand together as our laughter fills the air, we're both still trying to catch a breath.

He ruffles my hair, messing it up, I lay on his chest. I can hear his heart beating fast.

Wait why am I laying on his chest-

I get up quickly, hoping he won't mention it

"You're such a little shit." He says with a huff. I scoff with a smile on my face.

"So wait do you remember where you heard the water coming from?" I ask.

He looks off into space for a moment, like he's trying to remember.

"It was near this tree that looked bigger than the others. I'm pretty sure there was a birds nest in it too." He says, I nod.

"Alright! Now we just have to find it again!"

We enter the thick of trees and he starts walking in a certain direction, I follow.

"It was around this way." Kacchan says and keeps walking, I stay behind him and listen for running water.

Trees are everywhere around me and Kacchan. It seems so easy to get lost and the thought sends shivers up my spine.

We don't have our quirks and who knows how long we'll be stuck here for.

The desperation of the situation seems like it only now hits me, like a semi truck.

A familiar sting comes to my eyes but I shut them tight, hoping to stop my tears from flowing.

I take some breaths and calm myself down.

It'll be ok

It's gonna be ok


You're gonna be fine.

"Hey Deku!"

I snap out of my zoned out trance and see Kacchan looking at me with questioning eyes.

"You alright nerd? You're not sick again are you?" He asks.

"No no, I'm fine. Sorry I just got distracted."

He scoffs.

"It's fine. Now come on we gotta keep walking."

I nod and follow behind him as we continue walking again.

What's that noise?


No, we're getting closer and it sounds like splashing..

Oh. Water then?


"Wait, I hear water!" I scream and run towards the sound. Kacchan is taken off guard from my yell and jumps, then filled after me.

A huge waterfall comes into view. Water falling down into a massive pool with a stream connecting to somewhere on the island.

"It's beautiful.." I breath out and stare at the sight before us.

"Yeah. It really is." He says and out of the corner of my eye I see him looking at me.

"Cannonball!" I yell before running and splashing into the mini lake. The water is crisp but refreshing and I sigh with relief.

It's clear and hopefully is good to drink.

"Come on Kacchan!" Get it!" I encourage him and he thinks for a second before jumping in as well.

"Don't tell me what to do you idiot." He says with a grin that spreads to a smirk. Seconds later I feel a splash of cold on my face.

"You jerk! You're gonna pay!" I smile evilly and spray him with water as well. His hands go up to cover his face.

"Oh it's on!"

Water splashing back and forth, taunts exchanged with no hurtful meaning.

As our splash fight dies down an idea comes to mind.

"Watch out, a shark!" I yell in fake fear and point at nothing by Kacchan. He jumps away and let's out a scream that has me rolling in laughter.

He groans and shakes his head.

"How did I even fall for that? Sharks aren't in little ponds ."

"Pffffft I got you so good! Hah!"

I look over to see his face but spot something else I hadn't noticed till now.

Oh my god his abs are showing through his shirt.

Oh my god.

Don't panic.




So what if he's hot it's all good! So what if you want to-

"Deku? Hellooo? You're zoning out again." He says and snaps his fingers in front of my face, waking me up from my thoughts.

"Huh! Oops, ugh I zoned out again."

"Yeah, I know you did."

"Stop being a jerk! Let's get back to camp it's freezing."


Heya! Alright so I hoped you enjoyed the subtle 🏳️‍🌈gay🏳️‍🌈 in this chapter and there's more to come. Oh boy there's more to come.

Bye! <3

856 words

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