Chapter 7

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Katsuki's point of view

I felt the warm encasing me and it was addicting. The heat radiating off of whatever it was next to me.

I buried my face into a ball of fluff. Since when were my pillows fluffy?

I hug onto the pillow and hug it, nuzzling further into the fluffy warmth.


There's no pillows on islands.

Maybe it was a dream?

I open my eyes to see a freckled face and a mop of green hair
right in front of me..







Deku's leg is thrown over my hip and I'm hugging him?!

I jump away from him and steady my breathing.

"What. The. Fuck." I whisper to myself. What just happened? Why did.. that just happen?

Internally my brain is screaming 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' nonstop.

Deku's eyes start to open and he groans.

"Ugh so uncomfy." He grumbles and I roll my eyes.

"Well sorry princess but we don't have the luxury of a mattress out here" I tease and he starts to fully wake up.

"Dang so it wasn't a dream." He says as he looks around.

"Sadly." I reply and rub the sleep from my eyes. "Are you still sick?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. I feel a little better."

I crawl into the tent and feel his forehead with my palm, but I can't tell if it's my hand that's warm or his forehead. I let out a frustrated sigh, considering if what I was about to do was gonna make things.. weird.

"Kacchan? What's wrong?" Deku said as he noticed my hesitation.

"Nothing. Just close your eyes." I said and he looked at me confused, then did what I asked.

I grabbed the back of his neck and pushed him closer to me, then I leaned into his forehead and left my lips there for a second, trying to feel if Deku still had a fever. I took my lips away and felt that my face was hot. Did I get sick from him?

Deku opens his eyes and rubs his forehead.

"What was that? It felt really weird and soft? What'd you do to meeee?" Deku whines as he continued to rub his forehead with a pout.

"I just fuckin checked your temperature. Your fever is pretty much gone." I said and crossed my arms.

"But you already checked my temperature before with your hand? What was the second thi-" Deku stops mid sentence as the gears in his head started spinning. Smoke basically came out of his ears as his face turned redder than a tomato. Now he looks the a damn strawberry.


You can't tell me I'm wrong.

"K-Kacchan did you really-?" Deku questions without finishing his sentence, as if his brain is malfunctioning, but I still know what he means.

"Yeah. It's really not a big deal. Didn't your mom do that to see if you were stills sick?" I said as I tried to brush it off. Even though it did feel weird.

"Yes but it's different!"

"Oh get over it!"

"B-but you're my childhood friend! It's nOt tHe sAme"

I groan and out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of Deku's arm. The one with a gash in it.

"Deku let me see your arm." I say say and he raises a brow at me.

"What? Why?" He asks and I give him a look that just screams really?

"To check your fuckin cut dumbass!"

"Oh right!"

He lifts his arm and I grab it to get a closer look. The cut is scabbing over more snd it doesn't seem infected. Surprisingly. As I'm inspecting his wound I see a bunch of little scars littering his arms from what I assumed were previous battles. My finger mindless traced the pinkish scars.

"Eh? Kacchan what is up with you?" Deku mumbles and I stopp. Breaking out of my trance and dropping his arm.

"Tch. Nothings "up with me" you idiot. Let's head to the forest." I say and and stand up, offering a hand to Deku who was sitting up.

He takes my hand and I pull him up and we get out of the tent. He followes behind me.

We stroll alongside each other while continuing to walk towards the line of trees. The nerds fluffy hair bounces a bit as he walk.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask! Why are we walking to the trees anyway?" He questions, peeking over to me but still continues to walk.

"I'm pretty sure I heard running water yesterday but I never checked it out. We need to drink so it's our best bet." I said and his eyes practically light up with  sparkles.

"Oh my gosh this is a miracle!! We won't die after all!"

I roll by eyes but smirk at his overreaction.

What a nerd.


Hope y'all like the semi fluff here, I have even more plans for the future chapters too ;))))))

Just a question, do you guys want smut in this series eventually? It would be later on but let me know if that's something y'all would be interested in.

Anyway bye! <3

(863 words.)

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