Chapter 6

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Izuku's point of view.

Kacchan placed his hand on my forehead as I laid down. After a few seconds he removed it with a sigh.

"Is it bad?" I ask and realize my voice becoming more hoarse, why did I have to be so stupid?

"You've got a fever dumbass. Hang on I'll be right back so just stay here." He says and makes his way out of our little stick fort.

I look through the opening of the tent and up to the stars. They're so mesmerizing to look at and think about how far away they are.

I breath in the cold, crisp night air and suddenly I hear footsteps approaching. Kacchan must be back.

He peers into the tent and we make eye contact for a second until I look down at his hand to see what he has. He's holding his shirt and it's sopping wet. I give him a weird look.

He crawls into the tent and lays the wet shirt on my head and I shiver.

"Kacchan it's freezing!" I complain and he scoffs.

"Well maybe if some idiot didn't eat a random fucking mushroom I wouldn't have to do this." He scolds as he also shivers.

"Wait but won't you be cold? It's really chilly tonight." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'll figure out some way to start a fire then I'll be fine. And didn't I say to quit worrying about me?" He says harshly and a small smile comes to my face. He can be so cruel ye so nice at the same time.

"What are you smiling about asshole?" Kacchan sneers and I let out a chuckle.

"Oh nothingggg" I say as a smirk comes to my face.

Rolling his eyes, he only replies with a "whatever nerd" and crawls out of tent again.

"Try to fucking sleep or something, I don't know but do not get up. Understand?" He says with a more gentle tone than what I'm used to.

"Fine." I mumble and he walks away, probably to figure out a fire and I try to get comfortable with the leaf I'm laying on and the cold wet shirt on my head.

My eyes start to droop as I let sleep consume me.

Katsuki's point of view.

The air is cold on my bare upper half and I groan. Damn bastards so fuckin lucky.

I grab two sticks and start to rub them together. It might take a while but eventually a fire should start.

I continue rubbing the sticks together until I see a bit of smoke and a light starting to form. I gently blow air onto the little light to provide some more oxygen and a tiny little flame appears.

I set the lit stick into the pile with the rest of them and the fire spreads. I silently celebrate and pump my fist into the air, if Izuku wasn't sleeping I'd be yelling at the sticks to "take that!"

I really wasn't tired yet so I decided to just lay by the fire and relax.

Ugh I hope Deku is alright. I'm not worried for him but he's got a big cut on his arm and he's sick. Damn nerd is always getting himself into trouble of some sort.

I scoff and think back on when we were little brats. He would always trip when we played tag.. or actually really any game that involved running.

"Kacchan wait up you're running too fast!"

"Hah! You're just too slow you idiot. Catch me if you can!"

"Kaccchhhaannn wait!"

Even i'll admit that I was a little monster. Even with all my fucking pride.

My eyelids started to feel heavy and I knew I should go to sleep. I got up from the sand and made my way into the tent. I laid down as far away from Deku as I could.

I rubbed my hands up and down my arms hoping to warm up until I eventually fell asleep.


One of the shorter chapters I've made but don't worry, I have a surprise for y'all next chapter ;))

Bye! <3

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