Vanilla : Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"well, thank you for coming, this means a lot for me, and drake...right drake?"

Drake cleared his throat and spoke up.

"um, yes..thanks for uh...coming"

"your welcome."

Sunny smiled lightly, as drakes gaze started to burn a hole into the side of her face. She cleared her throat and quickly glanced at him then looked down at her lap, trying not to blush. The waiter returned with her lemonade and left.

"so..i think the big question here is...who taught you?"


" are you so good at making your music, i must admit i've heard a lot of good things on SoundCloud but..there was something different about yours. not everything was about a sick ass beat drop, or whatever the kids say now a days. It seems like you took more time into making the music."

"well thank you, Mr. Shebib. and i taught myself. i dont really know, i just have a big interest in making music and i feel like if you rush it, it wont come out as good. you cant rush perfection."

Sunny took a sip of her lemonade, still feeling drakes gaze on her. Her cheeks got hot and a little red at the thought of him and her at the concert. She could see his smirk out of her perephiral vision, which only made her blush more. She set the lemonade back on to the coaster and returned her gaze to 40.

"oh, please, call me 40, or noah, either one, Mr. Shebib is my father. But i understand, sometimes it takes me weeks to finish a track and i feel like there not even the best i could do. But you say you dont use a studio?"

"yes, thats correct. i use my laptops. i have 4."

"thats amazing. You only use a couple laptops and create something so creative and beautiful. what software do you use?"

Noah sipped on his soda as he looked at Sunny with such fascination. sunny smiled at his enthusiasm.

"well i just use a bunch of computer programs and software, such as garage band and just the basic things. like i said i dont work in studios, so i have to use what i can come up with, and the basic computer apps that you can download online or buy at bestbuy have gotten me this far so i dont really see much of an issue with continuing to use them, alot of people underestimate my work because it doesnt come straight from a studio, but what they dont realize is that if i didn't tell them, they probably wouldn't have noticed."

"wow. that is amazing, very inspiring, i actually started off doing the same. Just a young kid, making beats. Start off small and work your way up. i like the way you think."

Sunny could feel drakes gaze starting to lower from her face. she looked over at him but this time didnt look away. he looked up from her chest and looked her in the eyes, He smirked slowly and licked his lips. Sunny's face got hot as he continued to stare. The waiter walked over with a basket of bread sticks, She smirked as she got an idea.

"your breadsticks Mr. Shebib?"

"yes thank you."

As noah went to grab the basket, sunny leaned forward over the table purposely poking her butt out, in plain view of drake. As she reached forward, the end on her shirt moved up, exposing the smooth tan skin on her lower back. She felt Drakes gaze, trail from her shoulders down to her rear end, he licked his lips as she grabbed a bread stick and sat back down. She then gently put the top of the bread stick in her mouth and bit into it slowly while staring at him. his eyes widened a little as he looked down. She was turning him on and she knew it.

"So, noah, how did you find me?"

"well, i got a text from my friend back in calabasas about you, said he was on twitter and saw something about it, when he heard your beats, it nearly blew his socks off."

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