Enter the Alchemist Albedo

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Albedo's POV: I had always wanted to go to Paris for sometime now and to get away from the confines of Dragonspine. 

I have been drowning myself in my reasearch lately and it would be nice to have a change of pace. It would also be nice to see some familair faces. 

I ran my fingers through my blonde hair and decided to take a look around the place. 

It was quite and peacful to say the least. I think I will like it here. "Hello Mister are you lost?" Someone asked me. 

I looked to see that a girl with hair as blue as the ocean and eyes a blue as the bluebell flowers. She was pretty to say the least. 

"Hello there Madame do you know where the Dupain-Cheng Bakery is?" I asked. 

"Yes in fact my parents own this bakery." She said. "That is wonderful please show me the way." I said. 

"Of Course." She said. "Madame may I ask you your name." I said to her. "Oh my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and you?"She asked me.

"I am Albedo." I told her. "That is a very nice  name." She said to me. I could only smile at how bold she was. 

I followed her to the Dupain-Cheng bakery and walked inside the sweet smell of freshoy baked pastries filled the air and it was just mouthwatering. 

"What would you like? Marinette asked me. "I guess I would like a blueberry macroon and some coassiants." I said.

"Okay wait just a moment." Marinette said. "Albedo?" Came Aether's voice. "Traveler good to see you again." I said. The be honest I did not expect to see both of  them.

"Oh good to see you Albedo." Lumine said. "You know each other?" Marinette asked. 

"Yes we met duing our travles." Aether said. "That sounds really interesting." Marinette said.

"It was pretty intese though." Lumine said. "Without a doubt." Aether said. 

"So how is Paris?" I askedn "It's pretty well to be honest except for the Sentimonsters that keep on showing up." Aether said. 

"Now that you metion it I have not seen any Akuma's for a while." Marinette said. "Could it mean that Hawkmoth is gone?" Lumine asked. "No not very likely." Was Scaramouche's answer. 

"If Hawkmoth was really gone for good then there would be no need for Ladybug or Chat Noir anymore." Xiao said. 

Albedo had seen them befor but decided not to say anything about it. 

"Lets get you enrolled at school first because all of us go to school here." Marinette said. 

Need less to say I agreed. 

*The next day*

I walked into class and everyone was staring at me I could not blame them I was good looking blonde hair and crystal blue eyes who would not fall for me.

I did see a blonde hair girl look straight at me her mouth agape. 

"Would you like to introduce yourself>" the teacher Ms Bustie asked. I smilled and said "Hello everyone my name is Albedo I hope we can all get along I said. 

 I was looking for place to sit until someone painfully grabbed my arm I saw that it was an sausage haired girl with olive green eyes

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 I was looking for place to sit until someone painfully grabbed my arm I saw that it was an sausage haired girl with olive green eyes. 

She was trying to pull me down to sit beside her. "Let me go." I said angrily. "Oh you don't really mean that." She said feinging hurt. "I do now let me go." I said again but she did not let up. 

I had enough so I hauled her foward with a hard yank and shoved her to the ground. "What was that for?" She yelled out. 

"I told you to let go of my arm twice and you did not listen I had no choice but to use force I suggest next time you ask for a persons consent befor touching them." I said and went to sit.

I was seated next to the Blonde girl with blue eyes. "I'm Chole." She said Shyly. "I'm Albedo I said.

Chole's POV: God now I know what Marinette feels like when she is talking to Adrien. These butterflies in my stomache would not go away anytime soon. 

I need advice dating advice but I did not know if anyone would want to talk to me after all the shit I have done. 

After class I decided I would speak with Zoey. "What do you want Chole?" She asked me coldly.

"Zoey I need your help." I said. "Help what kind of help?" She asked me.

"Well I think I am in love with Albedo." I said. Zoey looked shocked I could not balme her thought. 

Maybe this was a bad idea I wish I could just crawl into a hole and die. There is no way in hell Zoey was going to hep me. 

Well I guess Albedo was going to be an intreasting addtion to this class and my life.

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