Marinette and The Balladeer

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Marinette's POV: If someone told me I was going to fall in love with the Balladeer a few years ago I would have never believed it. But now I would because I am dating him. (A/N: Sorry Adrinette Shippers)

Paimon did not like him very much but I did not know why. In my opinion he was a still pretty likable guy.

Ever since he became a god and started hanging out with the gang more he was a lot nicer and gave a lot of helpful advice.

Today was the lantern right festival and we were all excited to participate. Xiao said that he would skip out because he did not do well in crowds. 

I was a bit disappointed that Xiao did not want to come but I knew that he had his own reasons.

"You are not going to force him into going?" Scaramouche asked me. "I am pretty sure he has his own reasons for not going." I said

Scaramouche did not press further. "Xiao is a mystery, I will give him that much." Lumine said. 

I laughed at her comment that adeptus was definitely a mystery.  "Do you know what he likes to eat?" I asked Aether.

"Well he dose not eat human food but if it is almond tofu or grilled tiger fish then he would eat it without question." Aether said

"One time I even convinced him to try Qingling's cooking." Lumine said. 

"I wonder if he would like macaroons?" I thought out loud. "Well I don't know why don't you ask him next time you see him?" Paimon interjected. 

"You know I always think you say one word to many." Scaramouche said grabbing onto the little fairy and started to pinch her face and tugging at it.

"What as that for?" Paimon yelled. "To get you to shut up." Scaramouche retorted. 

Marinette laughed and Scaramouche linked her arm with his as the two walked of in another direction. 

"Well there they go." Paimon said. "Should we go and check out some of the other stands?" Lumine asked Aether.

"Sure let's do that." Aether said. 

"Is it true that you are older than you look?" I asked Scaramouche.

"It is wow I nearly forgotten now long it has been." He said looking up at the sky."

"You know you're not what the legends' pit you out to be." I said. 

"Well what do they say about me ? The bad stuff is likely true for the most part." Scaramouche said laughing a bit.

"Don't say things like that your eyes have such a gentle quality to them I refuse to believe there's a bad person in there." I said.

"That is because you are so innocent." Scaramouche replied back.

I had to laugh at that. I brought out a box of fried tempura and shared it with him.

"When did you get those?" He asked. "Oh  when we passed the stand I asked for a box to go." I said.

"You are truly something else." Scaramouche told me. "Oh and I thought I was the only one who did not like crowds." came Xiao's voice that I nearly jumped out of my Skin.

"You really need to stop showing up out of freaking nowhere like Horatio does in CSI Miami ( A/N:I like the character don't judge me!")

Of course they looked at me weird I am not even sure they have a TV in this era hell they might not even know what CSI Miami even is. Me and my big mouth. I thought to myself. 

"Sorry about that Xiao you just reminded me of someone who does that a lot." I said thinking of Chat Noir. 

"Say I have been meaning to ask you why are you sometimes decked out in a red and black spotted spandex costume?" Xiao asked.

My face flushed crimson in two seconds flat and I was debating wondering if I should tell them about ladybug or not.

'It's not like hawkmoth is around or anything so I guess I couldn't hurt.' I thought to myself finally deciding to tell them about my identity.

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