Xiao loses Control

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Xiao's POV: My Karmic dept was starting to twist my soul into something dark and dangerous and soon it would twist my appearance as well.

I love Marinette and I did not want to hurt her. My little ladybug I want to devour her. 'Wait when did that thought pop into my mind?'

I shook my head to try and will these dark thoughts away but none of them seemed to work if anything the thoughts became even darker.

"Oh Marinette you will soon only belong to me." I said. The corruption was slowly taking root deep within my soul I will not hesitate to kill anything that stands in my way. 

Still there is one moral that I will not break I refuse to kill humans. I will only kill these disgusting demons that think they can stand in between me and my ladybug. 

Then again she also belongs to Scaramouche. I know this may sound weird to your readers out there so just to make sure we are on the same page, Me and Scaramouche decided to share Marinette since the author here can't make up her mind about the paring. 

(A/N: Xiao stop breaking the fourth wall last I checked I was in charge of the script not you.

Xiao: It is not my fault that you can't decide who is better for Marinette me or Scaramouche.

Me: It was an established Scaramouche x Marinette I only decided to add you into the mix later on because you needed love too. Deal with it! A/N ends)

"Xiao are you alright?" Marinette's voice snapped me out of my mind. "Yes I'm fine." I lied through my teeth.

"Okay if you are certain." Marinette said. "You know what fine I'm not okay but I need to tell you about this in private." I said.

"Okay you took me here so what do you want to talk about?" Marinette asked me. 

"I fear I am being overtaken by my karmic dept and it will mutate me. I don't know how long it will be until I loose control but if it comes down to that, I want you to run because the last thing I want to do is hurt you. I won't be able to live with myself if something bad happened to you." I said

"When will that happen?" Marinette asked me. "I don't know it just comes out of the blue there is no way to predict it." I said. 

"Okay Xiao thanks for telling me." Marinette said. "Thankyou for understanding." I said hugging her and giving her a peck on the cheek. 

Of course it just had to happen on the day that Scaramouche had to take a mission. I could feel my inner beast pushing itself to the surface. 

It finally got to point of unbearable and I threw my head back and roared to the sky. 

Marinette's POV: I heard Xiao's roar and I went to see what had happened and what I saw was a transformed Xiao

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Marinette's POV: I heard Xiao's roar and I went to see what had happened and what I saw was a transformed Xiao.

I had to help him I know he told me to run and find help but I'm Ladybug there was no way I was going to let Xiao wreck havoc on the streets of Paris. 

"Tikki Spots on!" I shouted. Tikki entered my earrings and I transformed into ladybug. I leapt form roof top to roof top and headed in his direction. 

"Xiao stop please this is not you!" I yelled trying to get to him. This was no Xiao it was the beast within him.

With his sharp claws he slashed at me attempting to scratch me. I dodged out of the way and I tried to connect with Xiao through my soul but got a mental backlash.

Xiao was on a freaking rampage. I landed on a rooftop to take in his appearance. He had horns on his head and his gold eyes were glowing. He even had long sharp claws protruding form his finger tips.

I had to help Xiao even if that meant fighting him head on. But how could I even hope to win against an adeptus.

It dose not matter I will have to try Xiao is also my significant other aside from Scaramouche. 

I tossed my yoyo and managed to restrain him But Xiao was really strong as he started thrashing around, and he snapped cord on my yoyo and he slashed at me. Due to my yoyo snapping my transformation wore off.

Xiao's claws left five ugly gashes on my arm. Finally my transformation wore off and a look of shock and regret went across his features.

I fell off the roof what I did not expect was for Xiao to save me. "Marinette I got you!" Xiao yelled as he carried me to safety.

"Oh Marinette are you alright?" Xiao asked me cupping my cheek with a clawed hand. Then he spotted the gash on my arm.

"Oh god your arm! Oh god, Oh no. I hurt you my love, Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry Please be okay, Please forgive me." Xiao pleaded with me not to leave him. 

Xiao enfolded me into a bear hug. I hugged Xiao back. I was glad that Xiao was back to his senses. 

"Why did you not run?" Xiao asked me. "I could not leave you like that, I love you Xiao and could not bear to see you suffer like that so I got reckless and wanted to help you." I said.

"Mari I understand you wanted to save me but you have to be more careful I could have killed you." Xiao said panicking.

"But you didn't." I said snuggling into his chest. "I love you Xiao."

" I love you to Marinette." Xiao said. When Scara got back he gave Xiao one hell of a lecture and he also scolded me about the bad timing. 

Scaramouche eventually clamed down and said that he was never going to leave my side again since he could not trust me to be alone with Xiao.

Sometimes Scara had no choice but to leave me alone with Xiao and he would say "Xiao if I find a single scratch on her when I return I will turn you into a bird Kabob." 

I had to push out the door to get him to leave. Xiao was pretty surprised by the fact that I was so close to him after what happened. 

I told him that I will love him even if he dose lose control again. "You are something else Marinette ." Xiao said. 

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