Marinette's Gaurdian Yaksha

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I know that ther has been a lot of debate on what I actually look like in my true form so in a nutshell they say I am a giant bird or the winged god featured in Hindu myths Garuda. 

I am nothing like Scaramouche I am no were near being a true god I'm just a gaurdian beast.

I have never shown anyone this from because I think I look hedeious and ugly but today Marinette my songbird will change my view about that.

Today Marinette decided to introduce me to her band Kitty section. Rose was the one who wrote the song for it.

I was listening to it on my phone with my headphones in and lip syncing. I smiled at the thought. 

"Hey Xiao hello? Earth to Xiao." Scaramouche yelled out and I fell out of the chair I was currently sitting on.

"What in the name of Archon was that for?" I shouted in anger. "You were spaced out and I wanted to make sure that you were still in there." Scaramouche said.

"Well as you can see I am fine." I snapped at him. I went back to daydreaming about my songbird. 

"Guys are you ready to go?" Marinette called. "Ready!" All four of us answered in unison. 

We headed off to school. We entered the classroom with gusto and we could see that there was some tesion between Alya and Nino. 

When she noticed Marinette walk in her face morphed into one of sheer anger. "This is all your fault!" Alya yelled lunging at Marinette and knocking her to the ground. 

"Thanks to your lies Nino is breaking up with me." Alya yelled. I sprung into action and pryed the two girls apart.

"You have no one to balme but yourself for what happened." Marinette said. "Don't go pinning the balme on others when you are clearly at fault."  Scaramouche said. 

"Says the one who was abandonded by his own mother." Chole scoffed at Scaramouche. 

My jaw hung open and I said "How did you know no one told you that."  Chole smirked and pointed in Alya's direction. 

"You looked into Scaramouche's file without his consent? That is low." I said.

"Well it does not really matter dose it?" Lila said. "After all there is nothing wrong with telling people what they want to hear." 

"Yes it does there is a word for that and that is called lying." I said. "Well there is nothing you can do about it anyways Marinette is going to loose all her friends all over again I have them eating out the plam of my hand." Lila said.

"You seem the be a little clever so I will give you a chance to stop while you are ahead. You keep quite and  I will stop, do not I will ruine you either you are with me or aganist me you choose Xiao." Lila said.

"Try me." I replied. Lila did not like my response at all. I guess she was expecting me to break down and beg her to not go through with the plan.

"If you expect me to keep quite about the lies I will have to decline and even if I did you will neve hold up your end of the bargin anyways so there is no merit to your words. Either way its a lost cause you will never win me over." I said.

"I have endured eons of suffering what you can do can never compare to what I had to go through so go ahead and try to ruin my life because I think it will amount to nothing more than a papercut." I said. 

I walked away leaving Lila gapping like a fish out of water. "You will catch flies!" I called over my shoulder. 

Later in the day I saw something that caused me to unleash my gaurdian beast from I saw Marinette being hit by Chloe and Alya and Lila was just laughing at her.

"You will never win Marinette now that we have you unable to call out Xiao's name he will not save you this time." Lila said.

What they did not know was that Marinette did not have to voice my name she just had to think of me I will appear and I did but in my gaurdian beast from.

What they did not know was that Marinette did not have to voice my name she just had to think of me I will appear and I did but in my gaurdian beast from

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"Gahhhhh!" Alya, Chole, and Lila all screamed and ran as if the nine legions of hell were on their tails. 

"Don't plan on getting away! I yelled and I managed to threatean them to leave Marinette alone.

I knew that Lila was not going to back down so easily but I know how to deal with her. 

I healed all of Marinette's wounds and warpped my wings around her. 

I will not let anyone hurt her again and I plucked one of my divine feathers off and made it into a necklace and put it around her neck I should serve as a good luck charm.

It looked beautiful on her. I noticed that she was close to waking up and she saw me. 

"Hello Mari I am gald that you are awake." I said. "Xiao what OH MY GOD." She said looking at me.

"I know I look hideious." I said. "I think you look beautiful like an angel sent from the heavens above." Marinette said.

I smiled at her she did not think of me a frightening. I late on found out that Scaramouche zapped all three of the girls with lighting as a warning. 

"Next time I won't be so nice." Were his exact words.

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