"I Swear I Will Protect You"

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Xiao's POV: As all of you people who watched genshin impact may know, once I make a promise I will honor it.

I also gave Marinette the special privilege that if she called my name, I will answer and rush to her side.

No one else has that privilege other than Lumine and now Marinette.

I smiled at the thought and of course Scaramouche nearly tore my head off yesterday when I took Marinette out during class.

I apologized profusely and Scaramouche warned me that if this ever happens again he would rip out my innards and feed them to me.

I grimaced at the thought and said I will pass. Scaramouche gave me the creepiest smile ever. 

I had a feeling that this guy would be the death of me. "Guys are you ready?" I heard Marinette call out. 

"Ready songbird." I said. "No fair you came up with a nickname before me." Scaramouche whined.  

"Not my fault that you are slow in the head as well." I teased and Aether and Lumine laughed at my comment. 

Scaramouche pouted and we headed off to school. We entered the classroom and headed to our seats. 

Today we had a test and I stayed up all night studying it's not like I needed sleep anyways. I was sitting there pressing the eraser end to my bottom lip thinking how to best answer the question.

The answer came to me in due time and I began scrawling it down. I smiled at my stroke of genius.

While I was concentrating on the next problem, Lila started to click her pencil on the desk and it was annoying me to no end.

Apparently I was not the only one who thought this was annoying. Aether and Lumine were equally annoyed by this and they were trying their hardest to ignore her. 

"Excuse me miss Bustie but can you please tell Lila to stop tapping her pencil against the desk. I find it really hard to concentrate on my test like that." Scaramouche said said.

"Don't talk during a test was her reply." Ms. Bustie said. 'The nerve can't she see that we are all being disrupted by that infernal blasted clicking noise and you are not going to do anything about it?'

"With all do respect teach, you should know that all of us are not able to concentrate with a background noise like that so please tell Lila to stop before I go to the school board with this." I threatened.

"Lila could you please stop clicking that pencil on your desk you're disrupting everyone that's taking the test." Ms. Bustie said.

"But Ms. Bustie I have this weird condition and I have to fiddle with something." Lila said.

"Lies." Aether hissed. Lumine snorted in disgust as they completed their test. 

Marinette's POV: I was cornered after lunch by my classmates and they were all beating me up well Alya was the others did not really know what to do.

Some were consoling a crying Lila while others just looked at me disappointed. The worst part was that I did not know what I even did.

"Any last words?" Alya asked. I smiled weakly and said "Yes Xiaoo!" I screamed his name at the top of my lungs. 

Just like he said he appeared and looked at my classmates with such hatred that he could put them six feet under.

"You called?" He asked. "Yes I did not think it would work though." I said. "I made you promise, I will honor it." Xiao said. 

"What do you mean? What promise?" Alya demanded. "I told her that if she was in danger she should call for me, I would answer her call." Xiao explained. 

"So now that your plan to beat her with an inch of her life failed what are you going to do now?" Xiao asked them. 

"Oh one more thing don't you dare try to hurt my songbird again I may not be able to kill you but that dose not mean I can't seriously hurt you." Xiao said. 

Mari's classmates ran away with their tail between their legs. 

"Mari I swear I will protect you." Xiao vowed. "I love you Xiao and Thank you for saving me." I said. "I love you too my songbird." Xiao said kissing me on the forehead. 

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