Xiao, Scaramouche, Aether, And Lumine Welcome to Paris

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Marinette's POV: I was dreading this day the day I would have to go back to Paris but I have my new friends with me. 

"Wow this place is peaceful." Xiao commented.

"So this is the city of lights fascinating

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"So this is the city of lights fascinating." Xiao said. As he looked around in awe. 

"Not bad for the city of lights." Scaramouche said. "I guess we should some sight seeing." Aether said.

"Let's split into groups of two to do this." Lumine said. "There is an odd number of people here." Scaramouche said. 

"Oh." Lumine said looking quite embarrassed. "It's fine Scara ca come with me and Xiao will go with you two." I said. 

"Sounds good to me." Xiao said. "Okay then it's settled." Aether said. 

Xiao's POV: I was sort of a lone wolf and I somehow found himself at the Le grand de Paris Hotel. 

"How in the world did I end up here?" I asked myself. I decided to invite myself in. I walked to the front desk and the lady asked me who I was looking for.

I was not looking for anyone so I decided to tell the truth. Then she asked me if I was looking for a room. 

I also shook my head no. She was confused I just said I was doing some sightseeing then I walked out and headed somewhere else. 

I met up with Mari and Scaramouche and they looked at me with the expression that read "Really Xiao really?" 

I laughed nervously and said  "Fancy meeting you here." Marinette smiled and said "Fine you come with us."

"Wait out of all the places you choose to end up at you end up going to the Le Grand de Paris hotel?" Scaramouche said.

"Yes I was quite surprised myself." I admitted. "Let's go to my School and get you two enrolled." I said.

We went see Mr. Damocles and he said "Nice to see you Marinette I trust you have been well?" Marinette nodded and thanked him for not telling anyone about her disappearance and where she went. 

In truth, Mr. Damocles knew where she was all along. "I made sure that you were excused for the duration of your stay." Mr. Damocles said.

"Thanks but asides form that I have four new friends that would like to enroll." Marinette said. "I only see two where are the other two?" Mr. Damocles asked. 

Suddenly Aether and Lumine appeared out of nowhere giving Mr. Damocles a heart attack. 

"Yeah they have a habit of doing that." I said. "Okay but still this is kind of new to me." Mr. Damocles said as he got out the necessary paperwork and asked us to fill it in. 

We filled out the paperwork and were enrolled. I was happy that we get to be in the same class as Marinette.

Well Scramouche, Xiao, Aether, and Lumine Welcome to Paris." Mr. Damocles said.

"Happy to be here." Was our reply.

I can't wait to see what our first day at this school will be like.

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