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I woke up to a sound downstairs. The sun had already risen. I turned to my side only to see the bed empty.
Oh my god? Is that sound related to Amelia? I rushed down.

I saw her in the kitchen gripping her fingers tightly.
"What the hell happened?" I shouted in terror.
"Nothing I just burnt my fingers. Didn't realize that the vessel would be that hot." She said giving me an awkward smile.
"Have you gone crazy? Why would you be so careless? Didn't I tell you yesterday to take care of yourself? Seems like you are very obedient." I scolded her.

"I just wanted to cook for you." She said in a sad tone, okay, so she was scared at my outburst.
I felt a pang of guilt in my heart. She was doing it for me and me being an idiot shouted at her.
"Oh, okay let's just put some medicine on the burnt area." I said and brought a first-aid kit and put some ointment on the burn.

She flinched a little "oww."
"Okay I'll do it smoothly." I said.
"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. I was just scared that you hurt yourself."
I said looking into her brown eyes.
"I won't accept your apology." She said keeping an angry face. Cute.
"Okay, so what should I do to compensate it?" I asked.
"I'll tell you that later but for now a kiss would work." She said smiling at me cheekily.

I smiled and pecked her on the cheek.
"Is it enough?" I asked teasing her.
She hooded her head in no.
Then I pecked her nose. "Enough?"
"No Edward, don't test me." She said glaring at me.

I finally gave up and pulled her into long kiss. Butterflies were literally playing football in my stomach.
"Don't call me Edward, call me Eddie, it's sounds good coming from your mouth." I said in the middle of the kiss.
I pecked her lips several times before pulling away for which she blushed.

"I love you so much." I said.
"Even I love me." She said winking at me and was about to leave
"Sayyyy it backkkk." I whined and pulled her
"Ok ok I'm sorry, I love you too." She said and laughed. I hated that she had this effect on me.

We ate and I left Amelia to her office as she had no more work in mine.


(At the office)


"Oh man you are so whipped." Jason laughed at me after I told him about my confession.
"Someone used to scoff at me when I used to say enemies to lovers." He said mocking me.

"Okay okay enough, we have our product launch after two days. Let's see the ad one last time." I said and we both watched the ad.
"Emily is very intelligent and smart, isn't she?" Jason said blushing like an idiot.

"It's not her alone, all of her team did it." I said looking at that lovesick fool.
"Ya ya whatever." He said.
"Will you ever give up on her? I mean she ditched you so many times but still you want to try, why?" I asked pitying him.

"You see, Emily is a different girl. She prioritizes her job over anything else, which is pretty cute. Amelia told me, Emily had never had any boyfriends before, so she is not used to it yet, maybe. So it might take a little time for her. I'll try for a while, and if she still doesn't want me then I'll stop." He said smiling at me but I could see the pain behind it.

"I sweat to god, you're the most positive person I've ever met. Keep it up, I root for you two." I said showing him a thumbs up.

"Sir, you have to see this." An employee came running towards us.
"Our ad has been already aired but not for our product, it's the product of our rivals Mr. Khan's company." He said showing us his phone.

"WHAT THE HELL, HOW'S THAT POSSIBLE?" I shouted with blazing anger.
"Our idea was very different so it cannot be a coincidence." Jason said.
"Don't tell me Emily offered the same idea to both the companies." I said glaring at Jason.
"I don't think so Ed, it's the time where we cooperate and trust each other rather than fighting amongst ourselves." Jason said reasonably.
"First let's ask Emily and Amelia to come here with their staff." I called them.

They came after a while. They were equally surprised when they saw the ad.
"It can't be, Mr. Hiller, I never even approached that company. They cannot know our idea." Emily said with disappointment in her voice and Amelia stood behind her consoling her.

"It's definitely plagiarized. They should be punished but currently we don't have time to find out who transferred the information from our company to theirs." Jason said running his hand through his hair.

"We can't do anything else, Emily we have to get a new idea for the ad and record it within these two days, we can't push the launch date further." I said seriously.
"But how wil-" she said but I cute her off by saying
"You have to Emily, otherwise we have to approach another agency for advertising." I said knowing that this would make them do the work.

"You have to, you don't have any choice." I said, I know I'm doing wrong but we can't risk it, we have to launch the product after two days and that's it.

"You can use the room which you guys used to, before." I said and left only after getting a glare from Amelia. Shit, I'm gone for life, I know that she wouldn't talk with me at home but this is work, I can't mix my work and personal life. And this is their first time, so they should learn how to get past such situations.


"Emily it's okay we will find out a way." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.
She kept her hand on her face and started crying, Jason saw this and approached us
"Emily, I don't know why Edward is doing this, he had never been like this." He said with sympathy.
"We don't want your sympathy Jason, just get lost." Emily said in between her sniffles.

Jason left with a sad look on his face.
I felt bad for him. He was just trying to help.
"It's okay, let's do it and show them what's it to mess with Emily and her team." She said to me wiping her tears away.
"Hey Em, I think we should keep our work a little confidential and not tell Edward's company employees about it because I think one of his employees gave the information to other company." I whispered in her ear and she patted my back.

"You have grown up a lot Amelia."
"Don't talk like you are an 80 year old bald man." I said and she laughed.
"Bald man? Seriously?" She said looking at me.
"Ok jokes apart, let's go and start the work." I said and we went to our room.
We were just five, me, Em, 3 of our staff members.

It's going to be a long day.

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