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"We can discuss after going home." I said and we all went home. After going, I made Ella sit on the couch and gave her some water. She calmed down. Hannah scolded Ella for being so reckless.

"Don't scold her Hannah, she is just a kid." I told Hannah.
"Don't talk in the middle Amelia." Hannah glared at me and I nodded and silently left. Hannah could be really scary sometimes.

I went to Ed and Jason who were sitting at the dining, talking.
"Jason, didn't I tell you not to let her play too much?" I said grabbing his ear.
"Oww, I'm sorry Amelia. Leave my ear, it's hurting, ow." He yelped in pain and I left his ear.

"She has Asthma." I said and both of them looked at me.
"Why didn't I know about it?" Edward asked.
"Hannah didn't want you to know, she didn't want you to feel sad about it." I said for which he frowned.

"Why her? I love her so much Jason. In high school, whenever I used to feel down, she used to bring smile on my face. I don't want her to have Asthma." He said almost crying.
"We can't decide on that Jason."
Jason consoled him for a while and left.

Hannah and Ella were about to go when Edward went and hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead "Take care sweetheart."
She kissed his cheek and bid goodbye.

After a while, it was time for dinner and Hannah told that she already cooked the dinner but Edward didn't come down. I went to his room and saw him working on his laptop. I apologized so many times but still he didn't want to talk.

I felt very bad. I had never been the one to apologize but I apologized to him so many times and he still dosen't want to talk to me. This is my last try, if he still dosen't apologize then I can't do it anymore.

I entered his room and said "Hey."
No reply.
"Please Edward, talk to me."
No reply.


I forgave her long ago but I was just playing along.

"I swear to God that I'll never misunderstand you again. Please I've learnt my lesson." She said controlling her tears but I still didn't reply.

She finally gave up, tears pouring down her cheeks, she was about to walk away. I put the laptop that was on my lap, aside and pulled her and made her sit on my lap. She pouted sadly, sniffling.

Then started crying loudly.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay, I forgive you." I said placing a kiss on her forehead for which she hugged me very tightly and I chuckled on her reaction. She was so cute. It was very hard for me to not talk to her.
I hugged her back.

"It's fine now Amelia, stop crying. See, I'm talking to you." I said but she didn't stop.
"You are spoiling my hoodie." I joked.
"Buy a new one, you have loads of money, don't you?" She said in between her sniffles.
I laughed at her cute reaction.

"Ok come on, let's eat." I said and she didn't move.
"No." She said.
"You sure?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Yes." She said, still her face buried in my chest.
"Okay then." I said and instantly lifted her up in bridal style and took her down.
"Oh my - Edward. You are so bad." She said hitting my chest and I chuckled.

"You know how difficult it was when you didn't talk to me?" She said pouting while eating.
"Why was it hard? You hated me, remember? We were enemies." I said.

"It was all in the past Ed, we were just kids then, now we are grown-ups. You're not the old Dumbass now."
"So you like me?" I asked her.
"Like you? What? Me? Never. Pfft No. What is liking? I don't kno-" she said stuttering.
"Okay okay stop now, I was just messing with you." I said but deep inside I knew she liked me. I wanted her to tell me on her own so I just left it.

After that we went upstairs and I was going to my room when I heard footsteps behind me. When I turned back, it was Amelia. I knew she would come but I just wanted to tease her.

"Weren't you suppose to come to my room, at like midnight? Why are you here so early?" I asked.

"O-oh yeah, but I-I'm too lazy to change places." She said trying to cover up.

"Just kidding. Don't stress out." I said chuckling at her for which I got a glare.

After we entered the room I said
"You sleep on the couch and I'll sleep on the bed." again teasing her.
"O-oh okay." She said with a bit of sadness in her voice.
I climbed up on the bed and she laid herself on the couch sadly.

After lying down, I turned to the couch which was a little far from the bed.
"Amelia." I said and she looked.
"What?" She said irritatedly.
I smiled and opened my arms gesturing for her to come and her face instantly lit up.
She ran and snuggled into me.

She is so cute. I love her smile, her cuteness, the way she is bossy, messy, lovely, caring and what not. I'm in love with her everything. Wait? Did I say love? I love her? I do, I guess. I'm in love with my wife.

I kissed her forehead and hugged her closer and slept peacefully after two days.

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