"Don't go outside?" Dexter helped the poor soul.

His eyes lit up, "Yes!" He exclaimed in relief, "No go out. T'sarina say"

"The Goddess will say when we can go out?" Dylan helped him this time. 

"Yes, yes. Thank you" He smiled and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. I shouldn't be laughing but I couldn't help but let out a very embarrassing sound from my throat. Delan tugged at my hand and I covered it up with a cough. 

"He can have your head for it" My boyfriend tried to scare me.

"I will offer him yours" I challenged him and he sighed. 

"Ughh...I hate not knowing things!" Alex glared at nothing in particular and turned around to sit on a huge black boulder. 

"Patience" Dexter told all of us and joined Alex near the rock. Dylan asked me to get a glass of water for Lola and I obliged immediately. And when I go to the eating quarters, I see Sandy there. 

"Hi" She said, without any tension on her face.

"Your family seems to be causing us some trouble" I scoffed and fetched the goblet to fill some water from the tap.

"Hmm...you can avoid it by giving me Alex"

I shook my head and laughed at her, "Sure, take him. But it's not us that you are scared of. Its Morana"

"Oh? Morana, is it? Nice, you guys are BFFs now"

Ever since I learned about the priest's trap, I started calling her Morana and encouraged everyone to do the same. But Sandy doesn't know anything about the curse or its repercussions. 

"Why should I be scared of Morana? It is not like she can kill me" Sandy said arrogantly.

"Uh-huh" I turned to her with my goblet full of water, "Only that she can kill you. If she thinks you pose a threat to Alex, she will put all her rules aside and kill you. Even if it means half of Earth's civilization gets washed out"

Sandy gulped. She knew I was not kidding when I said that.

"Give up, Sandy..."

"I can't," She said without a second thought. 

"Then I will see you from the brighter side during the war. Looking forward to the face-off. See ya!"

"You fighting, Augmenter?" She mocked me.

"Oh, Yes!" I grinned, "I am."


After what seemed to be an hour of constant earth-shattering sounds and violently vibrating grounds, Morana graced us with her presence. And she didn't look happy.

"We need to prepare. It is happening" She announced with a determined expression.

"How soon?" Dexter enquired.

"In a day or two" She shrugged.

"That is too soon!" Sasha exclaimed and looked at Dylan, "How do we prepare for it?"

Dylan didn't say anything. There is nothing we can do but fight. There is no scope for hesitation at this stage.

"I would like to call the rest of the family here" Lucifer offered, "Carter, Rochelle, and Evelyn will be of great help"

"What about the palace?" Delan asked his Uncle.

Dexter answered, "Aldridge will take care until we get back"

I frowned, "What about Victoria and Victor? Should we ask them to come too?" 

"What do you think?" Alex asked the Goddess. 

The Real Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن