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The five of them arrived at their destination, a park on the skirt of the town and Jeff immediately finds a parking space as there are only a couple of people there. Once parked, Jeff turns his body to look to the backseat where Ta, Kei, and Code have settled. The three younger ones are all dead asleep, Code with his head resting on the car's window glass, his hands holding onto Kei, who is leaning half of her body onto Ta's side, head on his shoulder, and Ta holding onto Kei's wrist with his head resting on top of Kei's.

Jeff smiles and pokes at Rey, motioning her to look at what he's seeing. Rey follows Jeff's line of sight, smiling at the scene of Ta, Kei, and Code. She immediately grabs her phone and starts taking pictures of the three, once satisfied with the pictures she took she looks back at Jeff, who has been looking at her the whole time. The two share a sweet peck before Jeff starts shaking Ta, Kei, and Code awake.

Ta stirs awake first followed by Code and then Kei. The three rubbed their eyes and stretches their body before looking blankly ahead. Jeff and Rey look at the three, trying to hold their laughs as it's uncanny how the three of them are in sync. The two let them collect their souls, Jeff going out of the car to bring out their stuff from the trunk, while Rey stayed in the car with the three of them.

"Guys, are you awake?" Rey questioned softly as she reaches out to poke Code's cheek.

"Hm..." Code and Ta replied with a hum, while Kei is still in her own world.

"Let's get off the car na"

Rey watches as Ta and Code snap themselves awake, the two grabbing their stuff before going out. Kei, who needs a while to load, was pulled out softly by Ta and her stuff was grabbed by Code. Once the trio is out of the car, Rey grabs her stuff and went to Jeff who was behind the car, already grabbing some of their stuff, she then grabs what was left in the trunk and headed near the trio.

Jeff quickly locks the car and starts walking to the empty spot in the park with the rest following him, he picks out a spot underneath a tree near enough to the playground there. Jeff and Rey immediately start setting up their picnic space with the help of Ta and Code, while Kei waited for someone to instruct her to do something.

Once everything is set up, the five of them took a seat. Jeff and Rey automatically sat next to each other on one side while Ta, Kei, and Code sat on the other side. The moment they sat down, Rey starts pulling out snacks which Code reacted to it immediately, Jeff pulled out his guitar and starts strumming a tune, Ta pulled out his camera and starts taking pictures, and Kei decided to lie down and sleep again.

"Phi Rey"

"Yes, Ta?"

"Can I walk around to take pictures?"

"Sure, bring your phone na"

"Okay Phi"

Ta grabbed his phone and wallet, putting them in his back pocket before grabbing his bag and putting it under Kei's head as a pillow before he stood up and starts adventuring the park.

Code, on the other hand, is already stuffing his face with the food that Rey prepared. Rey watches in amusement as keeps on eating as she once in a while would feed herself and Jeff.


"Yes, Jeffy?"

"Is Bible really coming?"


Jeff huffs at Rey before mumbling something under his breath, his lips turn into a frown as he looks at Kei while he strums his guitar. Rey chuckled at Jeff's reaction, she took out her phone and decided to message Bible, asking where is he and informing him that they have arrived along with their exact location.

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