The First Meeting

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It was on a summer evening, and Jeff and Rey both are chilling in their house. The couple is in bed, with their vinyl playing out a Jazz song they both like.

"Darling, I've been thinking..."

"What is it, Jeffy?"

"I would really like it if you meet Ta and Code, no pressure tho!"

"Ta and Code?"


"The ones who are basically your little brothers right?"


"I would love to meet them!"

"Really??? Is there gonna be a 'but'?"

"You guessed that right, there's a 'but!"

"What is it?"

"But, I want you to meet Kei"

"Kei??? The one you've talked about???"


"I'd love to meet her! She seems fun!"

"Well, You are in for a ride, Jeffy"

Both Jeff and Rey ended up discussing Ta, Kei, and Code. Both inform each other of the likes and dislikes of Ta, Kei, and Code. They then discuss if they all should meet at once or on two separate occasions, and ended up choosing the latter (as per Rey's advice). They decided to introduce Ta and Code to Rey first before introducing Kei to Jeff, then let Ta and Code meet Kei after.

It was one week later when Jeff invited Ta and Barcode to their house. Rey was excited about the arrival of Ta and Barcode, she decided to make some cookies for them and is currently doing the finishing touches and Jeff is waiting for his two little brothers while watching Rey in the kitchen.

*Ding Dong*

"Oh, it must be them!"

"Oh! Such great timing, I'm done with the final touches"

"You clean up, Darling. I'll get the door!"

Jeff then hurriedly went to the door and opens it. He then is greeted by two young boys grinning at him and Jeff can't help grinning back at them. The younger of the two, leaps to Jeff, hugging the elder while the older between the two grins and joins the hugging session.

"Are you going to keep hugging or come in?"

The three of them turned to look at the voice calling them out. Rey is standing further from the door, nearing the sofa in their living room, smiling at the three boys hugging each other on the door. The three of them detach themselves from the hug and Jeff ushers both Ta and Code inside, making them sit on the sofa before he plops himself next to Rey across from Ta and Code.

"So, welcome to our home!" Jeff starts once everyone settles on the sofa. "Let me introduce you guys. Ta and Code, this is Rey, my girlfriend of two years. Rey, these are my little brothers Ta and Code"

Rey smiled at the two younger boys in front of her, waving her hand and greeting them.

"Hello, I'm Audrey or Rey, your big bro's girlfriend. Nice to meet you guys!"

Ta and Barcode smile shyly at Rey, sure they know that she is Jeff's girlfriend for a while but this is their first official meeting and they want to give a good impression towards her.

"Hello, Phi. My name is Nakunta but you can call me Ta!"

"Hi, Phi! I'm Barcode! Phi can call me Code!"

Rey watches them introduce themselves to her and finds them adorable. She watches as Ta grins at her, gazing back and forth at her and Jeff, seeming nervous yet excited while Code seems excited and enthusiastic that she can see the sparkle in his eyes.

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