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It was around 10 AM when Jeff texted Kei that he'll pick her up after her class, now the girl is standing outside her faculty's building, kicking around the pebbles near her as she waited for Jeff. She has her earphone on and hums along with the music playing, Kei would once in a while take a glance to see if Jeff has arrived.


"Hm? Oh!!"

Hearing someone call her, she looks at the source and saw Jeff with his window open, calling out to her. She waved at him before quickly walking towards his car, seeing that Rey is not with him, she opens the passenger seat and settled down, and Jeff drove off once Kei wore her seatbelt.

"Phi, Where's Rey?"

"Phi?? Not Papa?? Kei, I'm hurt..."

"Oh, stop being dramatic..."

"You don't like me anymore, do you... hmph"

"I swear to God- Papa, Where's Rey?"

"That sounds better! Rey is already at the place we're going to!"

"And where are we going to?"


"Huh? Why? Is there an event??"

"No, Rey thought it will be fun that you guys can watch us practice"

"Oh! For the world tour right??"


"Will P'Bible be there??"

"Why are you asking about that brat?"

"Why not?? Are you jealous??"

"I'm not allowing you to date him"

"WHAT? Wait... I don't need your permission though, WLEK"


The two kept on bantering throughout the ride, with Jeff acting like a father towards Kei and Kei finding it funny but secretly enjoying it, the ride is filled with laughs. Once the two finally arrived at the agency, the two saw Rey coming out from the building, smiling as she sees Jeff and Kei arriving.

Once Jeff parked his car, Kei bolted out of the car and headed towards Rey, hugging the older as she starts complaining about Jeff, telling Rey how Jeff is making her call him Papa. Seeing Kei latching onto his girlfriend, Jeff latches himself on Rey's other side, pouting at her and complaining how Kei is too young to date and how Kei is denying that she's their daughter.

Seeing the two acting like a child, Rey ended up pinching both Jeff and Kei's sides, to which the two immediately stop, Rey gives the two a death stare before ushering the two inside the building, telling the two big babies to stop being a kid, to which the two ended up in a silent banter as they followed Rey inside.

Once the three of them arrived at the practice room, Kei immediately bolted away from the couple once she sees Bible, while the couple left behind are approached by Ta and Barcode. The two younger ones greeted Jeff before they drag Rey away from the older ones, saying that they want to show what they prepared for their performances. Jeff, who ended up alone once again, huffs at them, before going to Apo who's currently sitting down on the side.


"Oh? Jeff? I thought you were with Rey?"

"Ta and Code stole her from me"

"What about Kei?"

"She went to Bible... that brat... stealing my child away..."

"*giggles* How is she though?"

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