The Truth Untold

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Vaguely telling Jeff what happened to Kei, Bible puts down his phone before circling his arm back around Kei, one on her shoulder and the other on her waist. He kissed her forehead before closing his eyes and falling into slumber.

The next morning Bible woke up from the feeling of someone tracing around his chest, he was laying on his back and his right arm felt dead, someone laying on top of it. Bible takes a bit more time to collect his mind.

He repositions himself, jolting and shuffling the girl in his arms too. Bible now lays on his side, eyes now wide open, and his left hand holding onto Kei's hand, who has them in the hem of his shirt.

"Good Morning, Kei"

"...Morning, Phi"

"How's your sleep?"

"Hm... okay"

"Do you feel better?"

He watches as Kei's lips turn into a frown, she shook her head and shuffles herself closer to Bible, pressing herself onto the older chest. She throws her arm on Bible's waist and sighs.

Bible lets out a breath, he thinks about how much the girl in his arm has hidden her feelings or what she's been through. He recalls how even Jeff or Rey seems clueless about what may have happened to her. He feels honored that she trusts him this much but also worries. His thoughts were cut shut when Kei starts speaking softly against his chest.

"I'm tired... I feel so tired..."

"Hm? Didn't you just sleep? Should we go back to sleep?"

"...Mentally. I'm mentally tired."

Bible felt Kei take a shaky breath and feels how she was clutching onto his shirt quite tightly. He brings his hands towards Kei's head and starts to run his fingers through her hair, playing with it.

"I... I'm tired of feeling like this... Tired of feeling tired. This... I've been like this for so long... that I'm just sick of it at this point."


"I...I want to give up so bad-"

"Kei, Honey, no..."



"Can you promise to not leave me after this?"

"Of course, I swear to God."

"It's just... My family wasn't like how others are... My parents are divorced, my uncle hates me, and him slapping me two days ago wasn't the first time... In school, I was bullied... *sigh* At Grade 6, I was already diagnosed with depression and anxiety... *deep breath* and not long after I started High School, I started cutting... I'm already tired of life, I feel unloved, unworthy... nobody wants me... By the time I get to Senior High School, I feel so done... so, so done... that I start to think about ways to end everything... University didn't go how I wanted and I dropped out... For a year, I was lost... I... I tried to end everything multiple times...But then I decided to give it one last try... and now I'm here... I... I tried to stop cutting and I'm clean for 3 months now, but my thoughts... sometimes just get so bad that I feel helpless... I don't talk about this to Jeff and Rey because I don't want them to worry, they did so much already for me... so, yeah..."

Bible lets out a shaky breath as his hold on Kei tightens. As he listens attentively to Kei, he can feel his heartache for the girl, to the point he got tears in his eyes. He can't imagine how can such a girl go through all that. He took a couple of breaths before pulling slightly away.


"Why... why are you crying?"

Kei reaches up towards Bible's face, her fingers tracing under Bible's eyes, wiping away a single tear that manages to fall from his eyes. She was genuinely confused, wondering why is Bible crying.

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