TaKeiCode's Meeting

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Rey and Kei are in a restaurant, sitting across from each other as they both waited for the arrival of Jeff, Ta, and Code. Rey told Kei that they'll be having dinner with the 3 boys and told her that she hoped that she'll be comfortable hanging out with Ta and Code.

Kei was nervous, she's not that great with people and she wants to make a good impression on Jeff's close friends. She has heard that they're nice, maybe a little hyper at times, and that they are 2 years apart from her, one being older than her and the other being younger. Kei looks forward to meeting them and hopes that they would click.

Rey looks at Kei, the girl sitting across from her is playing with her phone but she can tell that Kei is nervous based as she's biting on her nails. Rey knocks on the table, hoping to get Kei's attention and when Kei looks up at her, she signals Kei to stop biting her nails.

A couple of minutes pass when Jeff arrives at the restaurant and heads straight to where Rey and Kei are seating, followed by Ta and Code behind him. Rey watches as they approach the table Kei hasn't realized that the three have arrived as she has her back towards them, suddenly Code sprints towards Rey claiming a seat to her right while Ta follows Code and quickly takes a seat on Rey's left, both boys giving Rey a big hug as they told her that they missed her earning a ruffle on their head from the older.

Jeff looks at both Ta and Code in disbelief, he was just a couple of steps away from sitting next to his girlfriend but seems like it's too late. Jeff looks at Kei, who seems frozen at Ta and Code's presence, and sat next to her, giving the girl's hair a soft ruffle, earning a pout from Kei who then tries to tidy her hair.

Once they all settled down, both Jeff and Rey order food for the table, and soon after Jeff starts introducing Ta, Code, and Kei to each other.

"Ta, Code, this is Kei, she's Rey's friend, and Kei, this is Ta and Barcode, my close friends"

Ta, Code, and Kei all greet each other, waving and smiling at each other making the 2 older ones grin at the interaction. Jeff strokes Kei's head as he can feel the nervousness seeping out of her.

"What year are you born?" Ta suddenly asks Kei.

"Huh? 2002"

"Oh, that means I'm your Phi and Barcode is your Nong!"

Kei nodded at the statement, looking at Ta and then at Code. Both Ta and Code seem eager to get to know her as they start asking questions to Kei.

Jeff keeps an eye on Kei as he's worried that she'll feel uncomfortable, joining in the conversation once in a while to keep Kei talking too. Meanwhile, Rey watches Ta and Code eagerly making a convo with Kei, giggling as Code is clinging to her yet eagerly talking with Kei while Ta has his arm looped around hers as he joins Code in conversing with Kei.

Soon, the food arrived and the five of them pause their conversation to dig into their meals with short statements about the food being thrown here and there on the table. As they eat, Rey would attend to Ta and Code, as if they are her child, by making them roll their sleeves so they won't get dirty and grabbing some side dishes for them. Jeff isn't any better with Kei, he tied her hair, sprays her hands with sanitizer, and even grabs side dishes for her.

"Can we have dessert after this?" Kei asked, looking at Rey and then Jeff for approval.

"Oh! I want one too!!" Barcode chimes in, with his mouth full.

"Code, finish your food in your mouth first and then talk," Rey said sternly to Code.

"Yes, Phi," Code said.

"Aren't you full?" Ta questioned, looking at Kei as she finishes her plate.

"There's always space for dessert!" Kei replies.

"What dessert do you want?" Jeff asks.

Kei whips her head towards Jeff, her eyes sparkling in excitement as she is allowed to get dessert.

"Ice cream cheesecake!! The blueberry one!" Kei said, excitedly.

"You can get dessert but you have to finish it, no wasting food," Rey said with a stern face towards Kei.

"Promise! I'll finish it!" Kei said eagerly, giving Rey her puppy eyes to convince her.

"Fine, you can get one," Rey said.

"I want one too!!" Code chimes in, his plate now nearly empty.

"Two ice cream cheesecakes it is, anyone else wants dessert?" Jeff said, making sure.

Seeing that only Kei and Code want dessert, he calls the waitress and orders 2 ice cream cheesecakes along with the bill, which then arrived on short notice. Jeff and Rey watch in amusement as Kei and Code excitedly took their dessert and dig in, chuckling as they both sigh in delight, leaning back to the chair and then straightening up to continue eating the dessert.

Once the 2 youngest finished eating their dessert, they both leaned back with a satisfied look. Rey took a napkin and chuckles as she wipes Code's cheek which has a frosting from the dessert, while Jeff is wiping Kei's hands with wet wipes before standing up to pay for the dinner.

The moment Jeff is back from paying, the rest packs up their things and head out of the restaurant, and head into Jeff's car as he'll bring Ta, Kei, and Code home, with Jeff in the driver's seat and Rey in the passenger's side, while the rest takes the backseat, with Kei in the middle of Ta and Code.

Not long after they entered the car, Jeff starts to drive off. Ta, Kei, and Code fall into a hush conversation, seeming a lot more comfortable with each other after spending time and interacting in the restaurant.

"Does anyone want to request a song?" Jeff asked.

Jeff wonders as he drives as suddenly Ta, Kei, and Code seem suddenly turn quiet, gaining no reply. Jeff then takes a peek at them from the rear-view mirror and chuckles as he saw them asleep. Jeff then nudges Rey, who's on her phone dealing with work, to look behind. Rey turns her body to look at the three and can't help but squeal and take pictures of them.

Ta, Kei, and Code fell asleep not long after they drive off. Kei is leaning on Ta's shoulder, resting her arm under Ta's arm, while Ta leans his head on Kei's head and Code has his upper body leaning on Kei's side, all three of them sound asleep. Jeff and Rey then decided to let them be, waking them up one by one when they arrived at each of their places, before then heading back to their own house to rest.

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