Eyes on You

43 1 23

Bible stood in front of a scowling Jeff, he just told his friend that he was picking Kei up to go on a date. He can tell Jeff is going to nag him, but Rey appears and tells him that Kei is almost done.

Footsteps can be heard before Kei finally appears, she hugs Rey goodbye before going to Jeff to give the older a smack before a hug.

"Papa, that's my soon-to-be boyfriend you're glaring. Quit it!"



Kei then stands in front of Bible, she's wearing a black tank top, black trousers, and a white button-up, which she left unbuttoned, and converse while Bible wore the same thing, but with a shirt instead of a tank top.

"We're matching!!"

"We are! Let's go?"

Bible and Kei said their goodbyes to Jeff and Rey before going to Bible's car. He opened the door for Kei before getting in and drove off. He decided to bring his car as he didn't want Kei to feel uncomfortable with driving with a motorcycle.

The two arrive at their first destination, a coffee shop. Bible knows Kei functions better after having coffee, so he takes her to a coffee shop. They went inside and Bible orders for both of them, a Hazelnut Latte for Kei and a Cold Brew for himself.

They decided to dine in, so Kei looked for an empty seat and fortunately for them, there was one near the window, with a pretty view and pretty secluded. Kei sat down and waited for Bible to bring their order.

Once Bible heads towards their table with their order, they each take a sip before falling into a conversation.

"This place is pretty, how did you find this place??"

"Hm, I asked P'Mile and P'Apo for recommendations"

"This is a good choice, the coffee also tastes good!"

"Thank God, you like it"

"Hehe, Why?? Are you nervous?"

"A bit? I just want you to enjoy today"

Kei got flustered at what Bible said, so she decided to take another sip of her coffee before trying to change topics, asking about what else Bible had prepared for the day.

Soon enough the two finished their drinks and they drove off to the second destination that Bible had prepared. Throughout the whole ride, Bible gives his phone to Kei to scroll through his Spotify and play the song she wants.

Once Bible pulls up at the second destination, he watches as Kei's eyes light up and a squeal leaves her lips. The second place is a bookstore, he knows how much Kei loves books so here they are.

The two get out of the car and head inside the store. Kei is looking around in awe, looking excited.

"Take any books you want, Kei"

"You sure??"


"Oh, you're in for a ride!"

Kei starts venturing through the isles of books, looking through every section before going for a second round to pick the books she wants. She has her phone lit up with a list of the books she has, so she won't buy anything double.

Bible smiles as he watches how serious Kei is as he follows her around the bookstore, taking hold of the books Kei picked and carrying it around as Kei keeps looking around.

They ended up spending a bit over 2 hours in the bookstore with Kei choosing 4 book series and 3 stand-alone books, looking satisfied with her picks. They headed towards the cashier and Bible took his card out to pay. Kei scowled at Bible, before smacking his hand away and offering her card to the cashier.

"Let me spoil you for today, Kei"

"No, I bought lots of books, Bib. I can pay it myself"

"I'm paying that's final"


In a second, Bible surges towards Kei, pressing his lips against hers, and shutting her up. He took the moment where she was frozen to take her card and give the cashier his card and pay.

Kei was frozen until the moment they were in the car. Bible has brought the books to the car and guides her back to the car before trying to snap her out of her trance.


Bible didn't say anything but smiled at Kei, who was flustered and was stuttering. She ended up screaming at him with her hands covering her face, shying away from Bible.


"Do you want another one?"


They then headed to the next destination, a restaurant for dinner. Kei has become silent in the car, seemingly can't wrap her head around the fact that Bible kissed her, to the point she can't look at Bible without shying away.

Bible has made a reservation, so once they arrive and head inside, they are guided to a reserved table. Once again, he asked Kei what she wanted before calling the waiter to order for both of them.

The two fell into silence once the waiter took the order, Kei not daring to look at Bible, while Bible always keeps his eyes on Kei.



"Are you mad?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Just... a bit shy..."

"Hm? Is it because of the kiss?"

"Shut up!"

"Do you want another one?"

"Shut up!! I don't like you anymore"

"Hahaha, how was today??"

"I like it... I like it a lot!"

"Thank God"

"Thank you"

"Anything for Kei"

Their food soon arrived and they dug in, talking a bit more before leaving the restaurant and heading back.

Bible drove Kei back to Jeff and Rey's house, and he purposely drove slowly to spend more time with Kei. He has one hand on the steering wheels and the other holding onto Kei's hand.

Once they arrived, none of them moved. They enjoyed their alone time for a bit more before they got out of the car.

Bible walks Kei to the door, with her books in his hands. He said goodbye to her and puts her books down. As he walks back to his car, Kei calls him and so he turns around to look at her questioningly, he watches as Kei walks to him.

Chu. Her lips pressed against his.

"Text me when you get home... bye"

As Kei was about to turn back, he grabbed her by her nape before bringing her into another kiss. Short and sweet.

"I'll text you"

Kei nods at him before running inside the house. She was greeted by Rey looking constipated from trying not to squeal while Jeff looks like his soul is sucked out of his body. From their looks, she knows that the two have been watching her and Bible from the window.


"Shut up...."


Rey starts smacking Jeff in his arms, telling Kei to spill all the details of the date while Jeff looks blankly at Kei. Once Jeff snaps out of it, he stutters to Kei, asking what the hell just happened.

Rey drags both Jeff and Kei to the living room and makes Kei tell what happened from the start. Jeff looks like he wants to cry while Rey keeps on squealing and teasing Kei over the story, especially the kiss in the bookstore.

The day ends with Jeff sulking in his and Rey's room alone while his girlfriend decides to have a sleepover in Kei's room. He took his phone out and texted Code and Ta, a simple text. Your sister and Bible kissed.

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