"I'm a fan"

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"You'll be fine"

"But P'Jeff said his friend will be there too"

"It's only his friend Kei..."

"What if it's Bible?!?!?!"

"Then it's your luck!"

"I'm not ready..."

"Oh, C'mon, You'll be fine. Besides Jeff will be there!"

Rey and Kei walk through the hall, heading toward's Jeff studio. Kei originally was supposed to be hanging out with Rey for the day but Rey's work called her that she is needed there for an emergency, so Rey ended up calling Jeff asking if he was available to look after Kei. The moment Jeff received a call from Rey regarding looking after Kei, he agrees without much thought as Kei reminds him of a child.

*Ding dong*

Rey and Kei arrived in front of Jeff's studio and Rey gestured for Kei to ring the doorbell. Soon enough the door opened with Jeff behind it. Jeff grins at the sight of his girlfriend before leaning in for a short sweet kiss before pulling away and ruffling Kei's hair as she looked at him and Rey with a scowl on her face.

"Seriously?? In front of a child?" Kei said with a scowl on her face.

"What child?" Rey questioned, grinning.

"ME! I'm the child!" Kei exclaimed, earning a laugh from Jeff and a pat on the head from the man.

Kei huffs at both Jeff and Rey before going into Jeff's studio and settling on the sofa in the studio. Jeff and Rey chuckled at Kei's antics.

"She's such a kid," Rey said.

"She is hahaha"

"She should be thankful that I love her or I would've just smacked her"

"Hey, that's your child you're talking about"

"Well, that makes her your child too!"

"Well then don't talk about my child like that!"

Rey stares at Jeff in amusement, she knew that Jeff warmed up to Kei quickly but seeing him acting as if he's her dad amuses her. Rey took a glance at her watch before turning back at Jeff.

"Damn, I really need to go, Jeffy"

"So soon?"

"Yeah, work's calling"

"Drive safe, okay?"

"Mhm, take care of our kid okay?"

"Of course, wifey!"


Jeff giggles as Rey smacks him in his arms and her face turns red. He watches as Rey fans her face, trying to cool down her blushing face as she avoided Jeff's face. Jeff can't help but gives her a kiss, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling Rey closer. Jeff was about to deepen the kiss when a shout was heard from inside his studio.


Jeff and Rey pulled away from each other and settles with hugging each other as they giggled at the shout from Kei.

"I'll go now," Rey said, as she pulls away from Jeff's hug.

Jeff nods at her, loosening his hold on her, and letting her leave. Jeff watches as Rey walks away, when Rey is out of sight, he then went inside his studio. Jeff was greeted by Kei already getting comfortable on his sofa, with her legs tucked up and her body covered with a blanket that Jeff left on the sofa and was playing with her phone. Jeff walks to her and sat beside her.

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