Ravi gave a quiet sound of agreement and stood, too, then leaned over to help him clean up the mess he'd made throughout the day. Their fingers brushed each other's a few times as they worked, but Trever didn't really pay much mind to it. He was getting used to simple things like that with Ravi.

Once they were all set, they headed for the door and Trever gave Ravi an appreciative nod as the guy held it open for him. They rode the elevator in silence and walked quietly to Trever's car, but it was obvious that something was on Ravi's mind. The guy was chewing nothing, which was pretty much a dead give away.

Thankfully, as soon as they got heading back home, he spoke up.

"Can we stop at a clothing store, please?"

Trever glanced around and spotted a decent one right after he'd spoken.

"Sure, there's one right here," he said as he pulled into a parking lot a few moments later.

It was just a normal chain store, but it was quite large so he was pretty sure that Ravi would be able to find something he liked. It was pretty busy inside since it was around four in the afternoon, but to his surprise, Ravi didn't seem to mind all of the people milling about. One of his hands was clenched at his side as he began looking through racks of clothing, but that was really the only visible sign that he wasn't a fan of the crowds.

Trever followed him around for a little bit, but when Ravi didn't seem to ask him anything or request he look at certain clothing with him and give his opinion, he wandered off to look for a few things for himself.

By the time he'd selected two new pairs of pants and a dress shirt, he figured that Ravi would have had enough of the place and be ready to go. Except, when he went back to find him, the guy had actually retrieved a shopping cart and had quite a bit of stuff inside it.

He was just about to call out to him when he saw him turn and head toward the dressing rooms.

He's actually going to try stuff on, too?

Trever paused in the middle of the aisle, holding his few articles of clothing draped over his arm as he watched the guy walk away.

What happened to my shy, nervous Vivi?

He awkwardly wandered over to the dressing room area, then took a seat outside to wait. It wasn't two minutes later that he felt a hesitant nudge in the back of his mind, as if Ravi's dog wanted to get his attention.

You want me to come over?

He felt another nudge in response, and when he heard a door creak open a second later, he slowly stood up. It was a bit weird walking into the long hallway of dressing rooms, but when he spotted Ravi at the end, glancing at him as he hid mostly behind a door, he felt a bit better.

You wanted me to come but couldn't quite voice it, then.

He was okay with that. As long as he was supposed to come, how the guy got him there wasn't an issue.

"Can I see your outfit?" he asked with a small smile, honestly curious about what he'd decided to pick out.

Ravi hesitated for only a moment or two more before he stepped out into the hallway. At first, his eyes stayed on the floor, but it wasn't long before they rose up to meet his. Trever wasn't exactly focused on those eyes, however, and was instead a bit taken aback by the outfit Ravi had picked out.

It wasn't that the clothing looked bad or didn't fit. Nothing was technically wrong with it, but there was something a tiny bit off...

"That looks really good, but can I see what else you got? I think they might look better split up," he said as he waited for the guy's permission to walk forward.

Wild Dog (mxm) (Rever series 4)Where stories live. Discover now