Chapter 7: How much do you know? (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Mr Argus answered, "Each of us lead parts of the city that are discontent with the lord. Lady Berca and I were good friends with Orphus Blint and Noumea Lux. When they were found dead we knew that the city lord had gone too far and began to gather supporters in secret. It wasn't long till We encountered Ron, Filius and Tarken. Our numbers aren't great but I'm sure we have the people's will on our side."

"And what exactly do you plan to have me do here?" Mask asked.

Ron answered, "We've been tracking your progress since you arrived and what you've managed to do to help the city with the adventurer's guild was quite frankly amazing. We wanted to speak with you sooner but weren't sure if we could trust you."

"Until, that is, when you rejected the city lord," Tarken smiled. "At least you're not swayed by coin and comfort."

"Comfort depends on the situation," Mask smiled back.

"Though Corvis I must ask," Mr Tilbury began, "How did you survive today's encounter? We know two experts that the city lord hired followed you out the city and yet only you returned. Are you perhaps much stronger than your identity shows?"

Mask couldn't help but laugh at the straight forward question, "Ordinarily I'd be dead. But I knew that I'd eventually be attacked and prepared beforehand."

"Even if you had a few hours, to take down two experts is-."

"Who said I only had a few hours? I've been around the world Mr Tilbury. One thing I've learnt is always have an escape plan."

Ron smirked, "I see, so this escape plan could also be used to run from the city guard?"

"If needed," Mask smirked back. Though his words were true to his ideals, his actual escape plan was still hidden and really he hadn't prepared much at all for Migter and Lars. Hiding his strength however might benefit him later. "Let's get to the point, what is it you want me to do here?"

Lady Berca dipped her head, "As you would know, the city is being choked to a slow death and if not for your efforts it may have already hit boiling point. There are happenings in the city that even most of the council do not realise."

"You mean the monster pits," Mask folded his arms as the look of surprise spread.

"You know?" Ron's eyes narrowed. "How?"

"I've been heading into the forests for near a month now and picking up rumours," Mask answered simply. "Why would the city lord need so many adventurers? Not just for muscle but for their expertise in capturing prey. No matter how they try to hide it there was still evidence of their midnight activities. Then there's the food shortage. The lord does have a lot of money to earn from sealing the storage but the upper district has also been buying meat and the like at a suspicious rate."

Mr Tilbury let out a powerful laugh and slapped the table, "Yes you're right on the point. The city lord has been hording monsters and beasts beneath the city in the old dungeons."

Lady Berca nodded, "He's created an arena to appeal to the rich where they can bet on the bloodshed."

"The creation of monster pits goes against the will of the church," Mr Argus added.

"And thus leads into our plan," Tarken took out a missive signed by the church. "Two weeks from now a Paladin of the Church will arrive in Toren."

"We plan to expose the monster pits and with the church's help remove the city lord from his position."

Mask held his expression as he looked at the missive. He could take a guess how Tarken came by the letter but regardless a Paladin was certainly something. They stood above holy knights and each had the strength of a Master. From the letter's content it was to be a surprise inspection of the city. Adding a Master of unknown identity to the mix of the already strained Toren could make or break the city.

"Who are they?" Mask asked. The Church had less than one hundred Paladins across the entire world. Each of them were practically heroes in their own right.

"We're not sure," Tarken answered. "However with a Paladin on our side we wouldn't need to fear anyone."

Mask held his tongue. While Tarken was right, it also meant that the Paladin had no one to fear as well. They wouldn't be like Guild Master Lanton who had been injured but have their entire might at the ready.

"I see..., and what would you like me to do until then?" Mask looked at them all.

Ron answered, "Simply put, we need you to keep doing what you have been already. Keep supporting the adventurer's guild and the city's people. If we can hold out, by winter's end the city will be under new rule. A fair rule."

"And who exactly is that fair ruler?" Mask probed them.

Mr Argus smiled, "An apt question. The council will need to be re-seated. We were thinking of using the representative system of the Fay, do you know of it?"

"Yes," Mask nodded. "An elected leader with a fixed term. It would take a lot of work for that to happen. I am however concerned." His eyes turned to Mr Tilbury, "From all this you clearly have the most to gain."

Again Mr Tilbury laughed, "Well of course I do. I am a merchant after all. As I am not from these parts however I would be unqualified for any position on the council. I simply wish for more business opportunities."

Mask hid his frown. At the end of all this, if Mr Tilbury became a problem he or another would have to return to solve it. It also seemed like the other members present knew of the potential risks.

"And what about my payment?" Mask asked bluntly.

Tarken frowned and was about to speak however was cut off by Ron, "We'll make sure to repay you. Everyone please remember that Mr Kane here is an outsider who's only helped so far from the goodness of his heart. He deserves to be rewarded."

Mr Tilbury curled his moustache, "I'm sure I can make it worth your while."

"Then I'd like a down payment now," Mask took out some paper and jotted a few things on it. He handed it the Merchant who smiled.

"Why Corvis just what do you need all this for? You could create quite a few magic tools with these materials." His words garnered the interest of the others at the table.

"That's private but nothing you need to be concerned about. Can you get them or not?"

"I shall send you the materials at haste," Mr Tilbury folded the paper into his pocket.

"Then are we done here?" Mask asked.

"For now yes," Mr Argus nodded. "We will need to go over our plan when the Paladin arrives. Please keep an eye out for our message."

"You know where to find me," Mask nodded and turned his back, exiting the room where they were sure to discuss what just happened.

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