Chapter Four

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Twain "King" Wilson
I opened my eyes to the blazing sun shining through the curtains. My eyelids were still heavy but I knew sleep would never come that easy to me again. I looked to see D lying her head on my chest and her hand resting on my stomach. Her hair was disheveled and a untamable mess. She looked so peaceful as her body rose and fell with each breath she took. She truly was beautiful in her own way.

I looked to see it was only seven a.m. I've always been an early riser so it doesn't surprise me that she would still be asleep. I was supposed to call a meeting this morning but I think I will reschedule for this afternoon. I don't want to disturb her and I'd much rather lay with her all day. I called X and told him about the change of plans then notified my chef to begin making breakfast for two.

As I was stroking her hair, she began to stir under my touch. Her lips were parted slightly as her hand gripped my body tightly. "D you good?" I asked. Not once did she open her eyes as I spoke giving me the impression she was still sleep.

"Yes right there," she moaned. I froze in my spot as she continued to move slightly. She was having a wet dream.

"Yes that's the spot. Fuck, King," she sleep talked. My eyes widened as I realized I was the one she was dreaming about. My shocked expression quickly turned into a sly grin.

"You like that?" I whispered in her ear. I was curious as to how intense her dream was so I decided to have some fun. Her moaning continued as I whispered in her ear. I refrained from touching her how I wanted because I knew the moment I did she would wake suddenly and my fun would be over. The more she stirred, the closer I knew she was to waking up so I stopped. This would be my little secret. "D," I shook her slightly. She groaned and her eyes fluttered open. I stared into her big brown eyes as she blinked; getting adjusted to the sunlight. "Good morning."

"Morning. What time is it?"

"Seven thirty."

"Damn you get up early," she groaned pulling a laugh out of me.

"I know. I was going to let you sleep but I got bored," I lied. Only reason I woke her was if she kept moaning like that I would take her right here.

"I'm surprised you're awake. You slept like a rock. I thought you had slipped into a coma," she joked. I chuckled slightly and moved her aside so I could get up.

"I'll be right back I need a shower," I stated. I hopped out of bed and stretched my arms and legs like how I do every morning. D looked at me and her eyes widened.

"You uh, you've got a lil problem," she cleared her throat and looked away. I stared down and saw what she meant. I looked back up at her and smirked.

"Baby it ain't lil and why don't you come fix it for me."

"Shut the hell up and go take a shower," she scoffed and threw a pillow at me. I laughed, turned, and walked into the bathroom.


After taking a fairly cold shower to get rid of my hard on, we ate breakfast and just chilled on the couch in my entertainment room. We played a lil GTA and watched some movies for a few hours. It's been a really long time since I've had a female over my crib that I ain't fucked the night before. It felt nice to have somebody I can just chill with and have fun with. In this lifestyle, you gotta keep people like that close. They keep you sane.

"King," she said breaking me out of my thoughts. We were watching Mr and Mrs Smith. She had her head in my lap while I played with her curls.

"What're we doing?" She asked.

"Watching a movie," I chuckled. She sucked her teeth and hit me in the arm. "Chill wit the violence."

"I was being serious."

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