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Tears welled in Ace's eyes as Oars Junior's body crashed to the ground. Destroying everything in his path, leaving crewmates and family in tears.

"You shouldn't drop your guard Whitebeard!" A Vice Admiral to the marines swung an axe to the yonko who only obliterated it and threw him behind the ship after collapsing his him using a devil fruit ability.

Everyone was grieving.

'Quite the sad sight.'

'My son...'

"NOW CLIMB ON OARS'S BODY AND CHARGE!" Everyone strung into action as the bay of Marineford was invaded.

Men ran upwards, fighting, invading killing. They attacked the marines as some even approached Y/N who swiftly continued to chop each of them on the neck.

"I heard a rumor you knocked yourself out." She didn't care for the fighting, it wasn't her fight nor was she involved in ant way. But she was still wondered how in the world she could get up to the platform.

"Oh wait!" She slammed her balled up fist into her palm, head turning to met the platform. 'I forgot I can teleport. Well, better get up there before they unleash the canons!' Y/N picked up the pace and swiftly moved towards the bay head.

She could see Garp rethinking his choices as his grandson sat about to be killed in front of him.

He stood on the platform next to Sengoku and his grandson. Sitting down after being questioned on his choices. He remembered when they were younger, talking about going out to sea.


"Little idiot!"

Ace, a younger boy was punched to the ground a bruise starting to form on his cheek as his younger brother ran to his side.

"Wow Ace!" The other was concerned. "What's wrong with you!" "You say you wanna go out to sea! Well now you got my answer."

Y/N sat leaning against a tree in the background, she also wanted to go out to sea when she was of age, but she didn't have the pride or stupidity to continuously declare the fact.

"I'm not old man I'm grandpa!" "...Old man..." He raised his fist before punched Luffy in the head for also declaring his piracy. Before chasing Ace for insulting him.

They sat next to a fire with a pile of food in front of them, a good third was placed next to Y/N, who had robbed them of their goods. Decided to watch as they ate, mostly because she was ready to fight if anyone touched her rations.

She remembered the words of her 'grandpa'. "You don't know when a battle might spring up, so you gotta eat when you can!" She stared as they continued to argue about their jobs until Luffy ate all of the food.

"Even if Luffy does join the marines he won't take orders and he would just eat all the food. Y/N on the other hand-" The e/c eyed girl chewed on a bone while staring into Ace's soul. He slightly flushed and turned his head. "She probably would fight anyone close to her and be cursing at anyone who ordered her around."

"Probably be less of a nuisance if they became pirates." He laughed as Ace smiled, which was short lived as the said bone from before hit the older man in the back of the head as Y/N mumbled something about not taking that level of disrespect.


Tension rose on the platform. "I have no sympathy in me for criminals. But family is different story." Ace continued to stare at his grandfather while he began to shudder and cry.

"Ace, you fool, why couldn't you have just listened to me and done what I'd ask!" Tears rolled down his face as he continued to avoid eye contact.

"Old man..."

It was quiet, too quiet.

"They're about to be past the schedule and immediately execute my homie right?" Y/N said as she listened to Gary, who'd had tapped into the marine systems. He had continued to be an M.V.P as he was the one who told her where and how to infiltrate Marineford.

During which he was hidden in her shirt, from comforting her about Wilbur. Gray himself swore to avenge whoever made his friend cry. So he was going along with it.

Hitting someone in the head with a plank she had found on the

'I know I have some radical abilities but like, plank. Also I much rather save my energy for a bit later. When it's hammer time.' She patted Gray on the shell as another pirate came from behind her and tried to smash her skull in.

But before he could do that she kicked his leg behind her. He let out a groan and as she turned around her mouth formed into an O. "Shit sorry man." The man hunched over and clutched his crotch. "No way to act in a front of a lady, shit at least take me on a date first."

She felt Gary rumble a laugh, but due to not having much vocal cords he didn't give any noise.

"Wow you really did him in." "Yeah I know." She turned her head slightly, then widened again before turning her head again and swayed back and forth. 'FUCCCCCK!'

Y/N, didn't even know how she went from the plaza to being near the ships. "D-Did you just respond to me!" The dead chief yelled as he followed the girl's eyes as she turned away from him. "And you just stared at me! You can see me!?"

Thatch was in complete shock, Y/N knew she had messed up and Gary, Gary was about to bite the ghost. He had been getting more agressive as Wilbur was not there to entertain him.

"Fine, yeah I can see you. But so what." "You marines are the reason for all this!" His face flashed anger as his fist clenched. "I-, I'm a pirate with a bounty. I am here to save your brother in arms." His eyes widened as he stared at Y/N. "P-Please, save him!" "You switched up so fast. Faster than my mother when I'm right in an argument."

Sweatdropping, Y/N only sighed as a shadow covered her body, looking up she saw something about to land on her.

"Ah shit-"



Ⓒ︎ Weird__Weebo
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