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"Has anyone seen this girl!" I heard someone shout. It was a unfamiliar male voice, it wouldn't be Cracker because he would probably try yelling for me first instead of asking around.

I literally inhaled the meat sticks and then threw the remaining sticks into the trash. The fuck you think I was about to do, liter? Getting up I went to where the voice was and then turned the corner to see the person but not be seen myself.

They were holding my wanted poster and waving it around like a drunken man. Maybe a bounty hunter? I mean I did in fact make myself a name in such short time. I just sighed and was about walk closer to the guy, asking him to leave me alone and if he wanted a fight I would 'nicely' beat his ass.

But before I can walk over and tap the guy on the shoulder. He turned around.

Now I knew where the man was from, it was a brown haired sniper. A sniper from a red haired one handed man's crew. There was Yasopp holding my wanted poster trying to find me.

I just stood there froze not moving and just starring a bit wide eyed at him. Then I heard a a Hoot. A Hoot that was about to end my career. "Hoot?" Wilbur was asking me if there was something wrong. But the noise was a bit loud and now Yassop was turning and looking at me.

Did they say that they would be here in 3 days! Meaning they should have arrived tomorrow! I watched as Yasopp looked down at the wanted poster then started to look up to me. But he couldn't because I started running with Wilbur flying behind me.

Yasopp Pov:
I was tasked by Shanks to fine Y/N but how did I even get here. I don't even remember a girl named Y/N and why is she so important? I mean she did get a high bounty in a short amount of time but still why is Shanks so interested in this member of the Worsr Generation. He still hadn't said anything about it.


"So when will we be arriving at Totto Land!" I heard Shanks shout from the top of the ship. "Captain why are we even going into Big Mom's territory?" One of the new recruits was just confused. I watched as Shanks pulled a wanted poster from somewhere. I didn't really know who was on it but then I saw the bounty.

Already almost half a billion huh. $650,300,000 was the bounty, the picture was of a girl with h/c hair, e/c eyes, and s/c skin. On top the name was just Number 8. "What a brat." I heard one of the crew shout looking at how the girl smugly looked in the photo. She looked like she new a photo was being taken and was just posing.

"When we get to Totto Land I want everyone to find this girl!" I just sighed and looked at the captain with a smile. I guess that we will be getting a friend for our lovely captain.


"Hey wait!" I shouted and started running after the girl. I didn't even know her name, it wasn't labeled on the poster so I was just calling her 'girl'.

2rd Pov:
You kept running was one of Shanks men followed closely behind you. If you knew one thing from chasing Rayleigh in the Sabaody Archipelago then you knew that men like running. So you new that you would need to do something to shake him off.

So the faster you moved the more you looked behind you only too see that Yasopp was still on your tail. "Leave me aloneeee!!" You shouted dragging out the e as you ran faster. Apparently yelling does make you faster/stronger.

But it all stopped when people started to drop and you were grabbed by a muscular hand and pulled to someone's chest. "Let. go. of. ME!" You immediately elbowed him in the face but didn't move.

"HeHeHeHe, hello Y/N!" You froze at the voice, you recognized the jolly, happy, and cheerful voice. "Oh no..." Was the only thing that you said before accidentally teleporting right above the castle.

Y/N's Pov:
Well shit now we're falling having the time of our lives. I just sighed and spread my arms and legs out. I mean like- "WeEeEeEeE!" I turned to my side to see Shanks literally having the time of his life. I would say he was spread out like I was but since he only had one arm he started spinning and I was just watching all of this.

"AhHhhHH!" Now he was screaming his lungs out as I sighed and started to dive after him. I had to get him no matter what, I mean like what would happen to the plot if I didn't.

"Hold on sugar tits!" I don't know if he heard me or not because of the wind, but I'm pretty sure I swallowed a fly as I fell. But I did see him smile as I hugged him closer to my chest and then tried to slow myself down but the ground was too close. And then before I can even slow myself down at all, we crashed. Crashed into the ground with the force of a million.

3rd Pov:
Yasopp and Ben had been following after Wilbur as he flew over to the castle. They just had heard a crash and were coming to the castle faster and faster.

But both of them and Wilbur stopped with the dust of the ground started to clear up. Revealing a woman made hole in the dropped in the ground. No one knew how deep it was but saw as a shaking arm pushed Shanks out of the hole also revealing that he wasn't injured. They all heard a groan was Y/N sat up and and brushed a hand through her hair. "Great sigh' now I have a killer headache."

Ⓒ︎ Weird__Weebo
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