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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜

"Okay I really need to contemplate now the food just teleported to my lap." Right now I was sitting up in a tree, I had went outside right after Luffy so now I was just thinking. How was I able to make something come to me? Alright now I have to do a full test on which power scale I have. Maybe I have the same One Piece power scale, well that would and wouldn't make sense. I am in the One Piece universe but I am from a different dimension.

I was thinking of One Piece before I got brought here so what else was I thinking about. My mind is always in super thought with different things going around 100 miles per hour. "And stop." Just like that my mind went completely blank. "Alright now yesterday I was thinking of One Piece and...." I snapped my fingers trying to alert myself of the last thing I thought of. "Wasn't I thinking of the Umbrella Academy! Alright is that the power scale I need to go off of?" I wasn't completely sure if that was the thing I needed to go off of but it was worth giving it a try.

"The powers that the numbers 1 through 7 have are... Space and time manipulation, sound manipulation, connection with the dead, mind control, object trajectory, super strength and if there is any other then I have forgot." My memory is always the best or worst.

Meaning that every time I want to remember something then I either can't or can. Imagine putting every single TV show in a room, that's my mind most of the time. But enough about that, if I have the power scale I need to focus on the ones that don't need both of my hands. Atleast for a week, then I can go into super strength and sound manipulation.

Right now I can focus on space and time manipulation and mind control. The way Allison used mind control was by saying I heard a rumor and then the command. I rather not go up to a person and be like 'I heard a rumor you killed yourself' then nothing happens. Because I still don't know if the Umbrella Academy's powers are what I have. Maybe I am just a normal person in a different world.

It's weird to be here though, anyways I want to practice space jumping or in other words teleportation. "I don't know how to do this but I'll act like I do." I wanted to eat but at the same time I didn't, so thats when I got food teleported to me.

"Tree, go to the tree." I closed my eyes and thought about moving to the tree in front of me. Just like that I felt my footing change from grass to a wooden feeling. Doesn't help I still don't have shoes, that's not even a metaphor for something I just have no shoes. Time to steal a pair of shoes. "Oop-" Just then I slipped off the tree and was falling to the ground.

Well I guess I don't have a fight or flight responds because I didn't even teleport anywhere. I just splat and fell on the floor...face first. Yea that hurt like a bitch. "I guess I don't only need a pair of shoes, I need a doctor." I huffed out before laying on the floor I defeat.


I had finally gotten up after 30 or so minutes. My whole body ached but not that bad. I mean I did fall from about 30 or more feet...on my face. When I first got up I started walking towards where I thought was Gray Terminal. I needed to pass through that to get into the high town, or boarder towns.

I turned to my side when I first reached Gray Terminal. That's when I saw, you know. The freckled card named boy and a certain blonde. I space jumped closer to them but was still out of sight. I was getting the hang of the space jumping, it was becoming easier and easier. "We should go now there are no guards or anything!" Blonde shout whispered to Ace. "No give it a second we should wait!" The other shout whispered back to him. "Actually you guys should just give up on robbing anything from that place." I said walked up behind them.

They both let out shouts and turned around me, eyeing my up and down. I was confused at why they were looking at my stomach so I followed their eyes and- oh. Remember one how I fell from the tree, yea there was blood all over me, sighing I said out loud. "I guess a pair of shoes isn't the only thing I need to steal. Anyways you guys should just give up on robbing that place. "A-And why should we listen to you!" "Yea who even are you!" Pointing then speaking. "Do you see those symbols? It's a part of hobo code. That one means Danger."

I pointed to a rectangle with a small dot in the middle of it. "And the other one, right over they means we'll guarded. So unless you guys want to get fucked over for no reason then go for it." I huffed and walked into town. But I heard footsteps run after me. Then a voice spoke getting closer and closer. "Hey wait! How did you even know what those mean't? What's the hobo code?" "The hobo code is a code homeless people invented to warn other homeless people. I do a lot of research if that answers your second question."

"H-Hey don't talk to her Sabo!" Ace said runnig after us. "Damn I didn't know you became a mother at such a young age, so proud." Yes being sarcastic is my only personality trait. "Oi shut up!" "Oh well, I need to go get a few things, so good luck on your pirate budget!" Just like that I had ran off into town, even though I saw the shocked look on their face.
Ⓒ︎ Weird__Weebo
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