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The day was cold, as the sky was dark due to it being night. But even so, no stars were visible in the sky.

There was an awkward silence covering the whole ship while both Y/N and the captain of the ship, Law, were staring at each other in anticipation. Penguin, Bepo and Shachi were all watching from different spots to know how this will play out.

"If you believe that you can even do something, seeing as our time is limited...then leave now."

Y/N sighed as she got up off the floor and nodded, walking towards the wall. Teleporting out of the submarine and into the cold waters of the ocean. A grim look plastered on her face, even she wouldn't know what would happen next. The following events would be a cause of stress, for both her and the Heart Pirates crew.

But she had to make the hard decision, and where she was going now. She would be leaving without her wounded friend Wilbur.

Just what was happening you could ask yourself.

The answer was a newspaper was placed in front of her, on the metal floor of the Polar Tang. The words execution written in bold letters on it.

When asked about it Law answered back that they were going in to help. Which was when Y/N remembered about the scene of Ace's death.

'So he's going to die huh. I have a plan...' Ace wasn't just a character on a screen anymore, he was a childhood friend that she hadn't seen in a multitude of years. Granted they probably thought she was dead. But that was just for the chaos.

They hadn't been discussing kicking Y/N of the submarine. They had been discussing how the heroine wanted to go ahead via teleportation to enter the battle. But the doctor held great concern over the girl, and didn't wish for her to leave.

"Thanks for finally getting the point but-" Standing from her sitting position on the floor. "I'm not simply leaving, you're going to the same spot I'm just getting there first. We'll see each other again doctor, no need to be so cruel!" With a smile adorn on her face, she leaning into the ravenette who stood stiff. Thinking the word 'doctor' over and over again.

Like his brain shut off, his eyes glanced down at Y/N who was staring at him while strutting away from him, towards a metal wall.

"I'll see ya'lls later, don't kill each other until we see each other again!"

And just like that, Y/N disappeared out of the view of the ravenette and on lookers.

A slight blush was placed on the stoic doctors face, Shachi and Penguin blushing from how nice the smile that was seen was. And Bepo... "Sorry..."


"I forgot how hard it is to breath!" Y/N coughed up water while she lay baron on the ground, feeling as if her soul had been forcefully dragged out of her body then thrown into a lake.

Luckily, she wasn't in the big body of water via manipulating the sound ways around her. Making her look like an ocean spirit.

After several times of teleporting around the ocean, she had managed to get herself into the current that took boats from one major marine building, to the other. A medium sized marine vessel that she had claimed as hers, with it's crew working the boat under many series of mind control.

"Alright do we need to have someone open the door...Nah." What was she planning on doing, climbing up the wall as if she was God herself. Which seeing how she could actually swim, made her one.

And as the minor deity looked ahead, she wondered how she would save her childhood friend. Ace.

When she watched the show, it seemed he was a fictional character with a spring of bad luck. But now he was a real person, a real person that she cared. Her friend.

After losing Wilbur her mental state was more shattered than it was before. 'I can't lose another person who's close to me...'

It felt as the vessel was a ghost ship, seeing as how all the members were mind controlled slaves. And the heroine was still in major mourning, threatened to lose her mind at any moment.

She'd be in Marineford in a few hours, the e/c having female would've wanted to get there soon, but seeing as how she'd never been to Marineford in person. It would be hard, which was why she had hijacked a marine boat.

Y/N watched the water, it's gaze reflecting the sun as the smell of fish and sea water was still attacking her nostrils. The waves were calm as they sailed along, her nails clutched into the throwing knives she had gotten as a gift from her friend.

Honestly Y/N didn't care if she died, after honing her body she'd learn to not fear something that takes everyone. But she didn't want anyone who cared for her to mourn her own death.

'It'll take more than a few hits to kill me.' Sly smirk placed itself on the girl's features whilst she got from the ships fence and stretched out her back until she heard a loud pop.

She had to do this, she had to do this for Ace, she had to do this for Wilbur, she had to do this for herself.


"YOU'RE SO STUPID YOU'RE LITERALLY ABOUT TO GET YOURSELF KILLED FOR SOME STUPID PIRATE!?" Louds shouts were sounded form the den den mushi called Gary.

There was a hint of jealous in the man's words while Y/N just sighed. "You forget you are also a pirate croton boy." Yells were heard from the other side of the snail while Cracker broke furniture in his bedroom.

The small bed side table stated the only thing untouched, a small piece of writing on the side of it saying 'Y/N was here.' In sloppy hand writing.

"You can't just kill yourself for someone you don't know." "You said that like I'm gonna die, and I know the guy, we grew up together."

Why were you sacrificing your life for someone...else? You should've stayed on the island, you should have stayed here. Where you'd be safe.

The second you left it felt as if his hair was ripped from his body. Cracker missed your food obsession, your weird cat bird pet, your insults, your weird slang that he still didn't understand. But most importantly he missed you.

Whenever he went on missions the purplenette hadn't realized that he missed you so much because he'd new you'd been there when he came back.

But now you were gone.

There was a chance he would never see you again.

There was a chance that you'd be killed by some marine while trying to save another random boy who you haven't seen in years.

"Why can't you go back..?" His voice was soft, almost as if he scared of something, breath breaking. "I'm already to far gone, I have to do this. Tell your family I wish all of you the best, but I have to do this. Bye, Cracker."


The room was silent, the hot headed man standing by the table he was near with a look of irritation.

'Y/N, you're going to be killed for some boy!? If you die, I'll destroy every marine and pirate that was involved.'

The receiver broke under his grasp.

A war was about to start, and it wasn't going to be the Paramount War.

Ⓒ︎ Weird__Weebo
All rights reserved

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