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𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍


As Y/N turned her head to face who had grabbed her shoulder, she was able to spot a tall man. She of course didn't realize him so thought that he was irreverent to the anime. 'Who the hell is this guy? But mostly, what the fuck does he want from me.'

The furry cat owl just jumped off the table he was sitting on and jumped onto his owners lap. Immediately hissing and letting out owl noises at the stranger. But then resorted to biting the man's hand and sending haki infused feathers at him.

A wanted poster was immediately thrown to the ground as the male fell, clutching himself as he bled out. 'Really, I'm trying to enjoy my soup and then boom! A big fuck you and your scrumptiodilitious soba. I am so fucking tired of people. I don't even have a perfered timezone.'

Letting out a sigh Y/N scratched under Wilburs chin as he let out a few happy noises.

Little did the both of them know, that the island she and her animals were currently on was an island of bounty hunters. And while Y/N had appeared at the stand, and were walking around for endless hours on end. Multiple hunters had caught wime of their presences.

Of course, because of her high bounty, most of the bounty hunters that had been trading in the bounties, getting supplies, or doing other things as such. Didn't even bother trying to kill or capture Y/N, believing she was too strong for their liking.

Still, there were many others who were arrogant and egotistical hunters who thought that they were the greatest and could take on Y/N at her best.

In full truth, the bounty hunter that Y/N had just tooken care of had been the start of some sort of chain reaction. And now, their peaceful day would be in complete ruins.

"God fucking dammit." Y/N sighed, hand over her heart, breathing in and out heavily whilst she felt the tumping of her chest. Wilbur flew quickly after her as the both of then ran and flew away from the shop and disasterment of the moments prior.

They'd been running, and Y/N was too tired to used the power of teleportation to disappear from view.

Huffing heavily, Y/N straightened her body out of the previous bent-over form. Until a line of pain was felt through her right shoulder.

She had been shot.

And before even the she could respond to her attacker. Wilbur has sent even more projectiled haki infused feathers at the new male. Making him fall to the ground, dropping their metal gun, blood spewing from their new open wounds.

"Thanks buddy." Reaching a s/c hand to her shoulder. Y/N ripped the bullet from their shoulder blade an inspected it. Since her own haki had been turned off, she didn't see the bullet coming for her. Nor did she embody her body with busoshoku haki.

But her friend was able to help her and soon wrapped himself around his owners neck, going on the defense.

The reason why Wilbur even knew how to use haki was by the simple fact of watching, making him one of the strongest non speaking animals alive.

But since he hadn't been training with someone, like how Y/N had been training and harnessing their haki with the red haired emperor Shanks or Cracker.

But even though he hadn't being training with someone, he was able to mimic his surroundings by watching his master train from the crows nest above.

𝐖𝐄𝐈𝐑𝐃𝐎 || various! one pieceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang