The Rain (13)

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(Dippers POV)

I heard Mabel scream yes from behind us as we were walking back to the shack so I decided to look back at her to find her next to Gaz. Suddenly Gaz gives this threatening stare and I immediately look away. "Dib your sister sure is scary." I whisper to Dib. "Yeah ,she's even scarier when you tick her off." He says with a sigh. "Heck I'm pretty sure she's going to get some kind of revenge when we get home ,since our dad took her gameslave. " Dib says. "Trust me you never take her gameslave." Dib says with a shudder. "You can say that again." Zim says. When we were almost to the Shack it began to rain. I watched as Zim's backpack thing opens and those same spider like legs come out. He bolts towards the shack at full speed as steam was coming from his skin. "What's his problem, and is he on fire?" I say confused and concerned about the alien. "Hes fine, water just hurts his species is all." Dib tells me. "So his weakness is water?" I say now intrested. "Yep." Dib says with a chuckle. "Whenever it rains in the mornings on a skool day, he always is late for class, but if it never stops raining he doesn't show up at all. " Dib says as we walk into the Mystery Shack. "Hey kids how'd the tour go?" Grunkle Ford asks us when he sees me and Dib walk into the kitchen. "It went good,other then the fact we had to keep GIR from eating multiple things including a fire hydrant. " I say remembering how many times we had to stop the robot from eating something. "Yeah I'm pretty sure GIR ate a gnome." I hear Mabel say as she and Gaz walk into the kitchen. "How?" I ask my sister.  "I keep hearing Jeff screaming from somewhere inside GIR." Mabel says. "Ok..." I say.

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