When GIR Unknowingly Spills The Beans (8)

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(3rd POV)

At the dinner table in the Mystery Shack. Dib,Gaz ,GIR, and the pines sat eating dinner while Zim just pokes at the food on his plate. Suddenly GIR says something that makes the Pine's suddenly freeze. "So I met a floating dorito ealier." GIR casually says. Stan begins choking on his drink , while Ford ,Mabel ,and Dipper just sat there with faces of what you'd see someone who's seen a ghost make. "GIR right... do you mind repeating that." Ford says to the little robot. "I met a floating dorito earlier." GIR says swallowing his dinner down whole (including the plate). "Uh you guys ok its like you've seen a ghost?" Dib asks the Pine's family. "Please tell me GIR is just talking about a different floating dorito..." Mabel starts to say. "MABEL THERE IS NO WAY GIR ISN'T TALKING ABOUT BILL!!!" Dipper yells. Zim and the Membrane siblings just stare confused. "Dipper dont yell at your sister, I know the possibility of Bill being back isn't a great thing to think about, but that doesn't give you the right to yell at your sister. " Grunkle Ford says as he helps his brother stop choking on his drink. "So you kids are probably confused now due to GIR sharing the fact he may have just released the end of the world from its stone prison. " Ford says eyeing GIR. "Don't we still have the barrier up?" Mabel asks. "Sadly no... it was damaged when you guys turn the Shack into that giant robot." Ford says sadly. "Woah you mean this was once a giant robot?!" Dib says clearly excited. It doesn't take Dib to long to remember the conversation he had with Dipper on the bus thr day they arrived in Gravity Falls. "Wait Dipper didn't you say the name of that demon thing you told me about was Bill?" Dib asks Dipper. "You actually were listening for the whole ride huh..." Dipper mumbles. "Who's this Bill?" Zim asks. "I don't think we should...." Dipper begins to say. "Actually Zim this Bill is someone who is a way bigger threat to your mission than I am." Dib says with a grin. "Dib what the heck are you doing?!" Dipper yells. "Wait for it." Dib says putting his finger on front of Dippers mouth shushing him with that grin growing wider on his face. "WHERE IS THIS BILL!!!!" Zim screams at the top of his alien lungs. "How am I supposed to know Zim but the Pines may know. " Dib tells the alien. "Hmmmmmm then Zim will temporarily form alliance with the humans until this Bill thing is defeated. " Zim declared. "NOW BE HONORED THAT YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO WORK ALONGSIDE THE AMAZING ZIM!!!" Zim says now with his left foot propped on the table. "Ok ok kid get your foot off my table!" Stan says shooing Zim off the table.

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