ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵒʳ ᵈⁱᵉ

Start bij het begin

"Do it!" Sadie screamed around the barrel of the gun.

"I do. Y'now. I really do love you." Amber assured the girl, her once was tight grip on the gun going lose, losing to the temptation of love. A false promise that someone would love her, even with the evil that brewed within her soul, ached at her bones and gnawed at her chest.

"I've loved you ever since we met, even as kids, I knew I'd loved you." Amber smiled, her head tilting as she spoke, wide smile with wandering eyes.

"Do it." Sadie asked, weeping from the loss of her dad. Amber bit down a sob of her own. The scene of seeing how Sadie was practically begging Amber to shoot her made the girls body shutter with tears.

"I hurt people. I've killed people, all for your love. You was too in love with Tara to notice me, you'd never leave your dad and– and you hated Wes." Amber explained, gave reasons to why she'd done this. Sadie assumed she was some nut case like Richie, she didnt do it because of the movies.

Amber retreated the gun, sliding it on the couch, grabbing the knife instead. 

Sadie's legs buckle, dropping to the floor with a thump. Tara was no where to be found by now, Mindy was dead, Liv was lying dead and Richie dealing with Sam, leaving Gale to help Sydney. Amber had her cornered. Sadie sank further into the floor, comfortable with the feeling of the carpet below her. She cried and wanted to scream, her friend, someone she loved had took her dad and attacked her all within a few days.

"No, no, don't- don't cry, Sadie" Amber cooed, walking over to the sobbing girl. Amber carelessly smeared blood across the crying girls cheeks. Sadie trembled, scared what Amber was going to do next.

"I would never hurt you, not again. I love you, Sadie. Why- no, you can love me back, I know you can. Don't you think so too" Amber asked with hope in her eyes, beaming down at the girl who was left with a shocked face.

"What will you do to me if I don't" Sadie carefully asked, Amber smiled and leaned down. Placing soft kisses along the girls cheek, etching to her lips. Sadie's stomach turned at the touch, her skin burned and she wanted to die, willingly.

"I'd tie you to a chair, get your mom from the kitchen and slit her throat infront of you to watch, then I'd get Tara where ever she is and kill her too, but I'd get creative with that one." Amber smiled, offering Sadie one as she looked into the blue eyed girls eyes. Sadie was everything Amber wanted, everything Amber needed.

"You attacked me, you hurt me, how is that love?" Sadie asked, lifting her hands to cup the girl she had grown scared off. "How can you love someone you'd willingly kill, baby?"

Amber blushed at the name, nodding as she took the girls words in. "Because love can make you do silly things, I didnt want to hurt you. I wanted to leave this stupid town, leave it so we could be together-" Amber took a deep breathe in. "-Then, I heard you tell Tara you loved her. You still wanted Tara even though I had- atleast though, killed her for you. Then, I killed your dad because I knew you'd never leave him. I did this all for you, don't you think that's love?" Amber asked, slightly growing in patient of the girls stupid answers.

"I don't deserve you, Amber" Sadie told the other girl. Amber shook her head, getting mad at the accusation.

"I did all of this for you." Amber pressed, placing her knife to the girls chest. "I did this all for you, Sadie."

Sadie shuttered against the force of the knife, the words, she did all of this for her...

Sadie knew what she had to do. Sadie didn't want to, but she knew it was the only way to stop Amber's none stop prodding of the knife to Sadie's chest.

Sadie carefully got up from her place on the floor. Taking Amber in her own hands, cupping the girls cheeks. She leaned toward and kissed Amber, Amber melted into the touch placing a hand on the girls waist. In the moment of weakness Sadie moved the knife from her chest, Amber letting her. Sadie shuffled forwards, pushing Amber onto the sofa. Amber's eyes widened, a smirk growing on her face.

"I didn't expect that" Amber held the girls waist, pulling her away slightly. Soon regretting that decision, pulling Sadie back to her original closeness she had to Amber.

"Yeah? well, who wouldn't fold to that love story, Amber?" Sadie mumbled, leaning closer to the girl. Amber placed her hands in all the wrong places on Sadie's body, touching her didnt make Sadie's whole body become a blaze like Tara did, it didnt feel right, it felt forced—which it was. It felt wrong, this was wrong, Amber and Sadie together was wrong. Just as quick as the first, Sadie kissed the girl, Amber didn't notice the gun Sadie had been holding, she didn't notice the way her finger ghosted over the trigger. Placing it to the side of Amber's face.

"I'd never love you back, you killed my dad infront of me you sick twisted bitch" a loud bang rang through the whole house, cries were heard from the kitchen. Assuming that Sadie had been shot. Sadie leaned back in, grabbing the knife, slamming it into every slot where she had been stabbed. She lost count of how many times she'd panatraded the now very much dead girl, smiling to herself at her own art work; Amber Freeman, lying dead in a puddle of her own blood. It wasn't enough, she needed more. She needed to know that Amber had suffered, had lived with misery in her heart. So, Sadie once again lifted the knife, slamming it down—blood callously splattered her face, seeping into her clothes, her hair, her bottom lip, her eyelashes, everywhere.

Sadie removed her body from Amber's one. Pulling away from the dead girl who's blood was splattered over her face. Sadie cried, she had kissed the girl who was behind all of this. Yes, to make her weaker, but she still did. Sadie stumbling into the entrance, Richie's dead body lying there with Sam hovering over it. The two looked at each other, acknowledging the fact they'd killed someone. Simultaneously dragging their fingers over the knife they'd used. Sadie's warm finger dragged against the cold metal blade, the blood smeared even more. The satisfying flick of the blood she knew was Amber's brought a smile to her face, one that told many story's; some that would be told different, some that would be the truth, all leading to the ultimate death of the ghostfaces that chose to haunt the town of Woodsboro once again. The ones that chose a losing battle fucking with the people Sadie loved.

"Stupid bitch decided to fuck with the originans" Sadie breathed out, Gale gasped and got off the floor hugging her daughter. Sydney soon joining, then everyone joined. The older women cried together, all three already began to miss the goofy comment Dewey would have made by now about how he was right.

"Yeah well, welcome to our world" Gale comment, kissing the corner of Sadie's face that hadn't had blood on it. Sadie shook it off, really thinking about Dewey's words.

The love interests did do it.

"You survived your first attack!" Both of the older women cheered, smiling to themselves.

"Your dad would be proud, you saved the day" Sydney jokingly punched the girls shoulder.

"Someone had to." Sadie breathed out brushing her hair with her fingers, unaware of the amount of blood she'd just rubbed through her red locks.

A cold feeling dawned on Sadie, one that she knew she'd never shake. She could pretend, try to move on but she knew she'd never get over this night. Never, in all her triumphs, all her efforts they will always die in vain. A fact that made her sick. The girl once had a promising life, a bright future. But the one that was in her path today was full of death, destruction and betrayal.

Without Sadie's knowledge something began to burn deep within her soul, something so sick and vial that even the darkest of people couldn't look. A smile proudly presented on her face, but within her heart she always knew that she'd never get a high quite like killing someone, a fix she'd never be able to have, an addiction that would always be carried with her from that night.

Sadie Riley was once foolish, she'd never fall for someone's false persona again.


I have two more chapters to post but this is basically it got scream 5. Scream 6 is in the making and will probably be released tomorrow!

Foolish | ˢᶜʳᵉᵃᵐ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu