Higher-ups ~ Ch45

Start from the beginning

"Is that what you meant when you said to Gojo that you believe in doing things humanely?" I hesitantly asked him, making Nanami freeze. The man even stopped walking, making me stop walking to. He looked down at me with a look that I couldn't quite figure out.
"Is there something that I'm not getting, Dad?" I asked him softly, my voice filled with dread and my facial expression to match. I wasn't sure about my theory untill seeing the way he reacted to my questions during this conversation.

"It's...nothing of concern. We'd better hurry up, it's due to rain soon." Nanami replied, avoiding the question and conversation as he began walking again at an even faster speed. My brows furrowed as I watched him, not bothering to follow instantly after him. He made it so much more obvious that he was hiding something from me. How did I not notice it before?

I shook my head lightly, huffing before running ahead to catch up with him. I noticed that he slowed down his oace once he realised that I didn't plan to ask anymore questions. What was the point when he was going to answer like that? We stayed silent for the whole walk back to the apartment, it was tense and uncomfortable and I hated it. Since when were we the type of father and daughter that got into little spats? Never, which made this that much worse.

Once we made it back to the apartment, I annouced to Kento that I'd be going to be bed now- which in reality I planned to just sit on my balcony and watch the nights cityscape in deep thought. Nanami only nodded in reply at my announcement, making his own way to his bedroom without a word. Even he didn't know how to deal with a situation quite like this one. It wasn't even an argument that we had, more like a case of 'there's something you're hiding from me and I know you know what I'm talking about'. That was probably what put him off.

But nevertheless, I didn't even try to push it. I instead made my way to my room and closed the door behind me before leaning on the back of it with a sigh. What could be so important that he thought it would be would be better hidden from me? Is it what I think it is? But the problem was, if it was what I thought it was- then where would I go from there? I was honestly hoping for a pure misunderstanding. But I didn't think I was going to get that.

Before I could make my way to the balcony, I was interrupted by the sound of light snoring. My head snapped towards the bed where I could barely make out a dark figure completely swallowed by the blankets. I couldn't help but smile at the glint of pink hair, glowing under the light of the moon. Yuuji. He was home. I didn't even know he came back, to this apartment too which was a suprise.

The boy was comfortable under my duvet and fluffy sheets, most likely dressed in only his boxer shorts as he hated wearing shirts to bed. It made me feel warm inside watching him sleep so peacefully like this. I couldn't help but take a step closer. He was adorable like this, asleep with strands of his hair poking up in ways it shouldn't be. He looked like a new born chic. A pink newborn chic.

The sight couldn't be ruined for me. At least that what what I thought until I saw a pair of red eyes watching me.I froze under his gaze, not moving a single inch. I was hesitant. His eyes held a strong look, staring through my soul
But would he speak? Or just continue staring? The man chose neither, his eyes closing only a few moments after making himself known to me.

As the eyes closed, an idea struck itself upon me. Sukuna probably knew the history between the higher ups and my clan. Yes, the information may be a millennium old. But knowing the relationship between the two parties back could possibly help me understand them now, right? Could Sukuna possibly help me connect the dots? I sighed and began stripping myself of my clothes and putting on an oversized shirt. I wanted to have a shower but I guess I could do that once I was done talking to Sukuna.

I slid carefully into bed, careful about not waking up Yuuji. I tucked myself against his chest comfortably, the boy having always been a heavy sleeper. He curled around me, keeping me warm in his embrace. I sighed as I laid my hand on his chest, closing my eyes as I activated my curse within him- only hoping that Sukuna would pull me in. And he did, as I suspected.

I had gotten used to the way the ground stripped from my feet and the way the sky turned red. The void around me looked empty and full and the same time. The air was heavier here, sharing the feeling of pain and blood. It wasn't bothersome, just different. It took a while to get used to it, as well as the way I was able to stand on a red ocean and not fall through my own reflection.

Just as it always had been, a tower of bones stood infront of me with a certain curse sitting nonchalantly at the top. His head rested on his chin, the most common position for him to be in at this point. His eyes were already locked on me, judging me as I looked up at him. I couldn't help but freeze in my spot, feeling strange under his gaze. It reminded me of how he looked at me earlier today, when his hands were all over my body. When he felt me in places I had not allowed him to.

I gulped as those memories flooded in. How could I foget something like that? Something that horrifying? Losing control was so easy when I was with him. And control was the only thing I was used to in my life. Just like that, I regretted coming into his domain. I wasn't ready to feel that gaze upon me. I wanted ready to see him yet. How do I leave?

"Why so hesitant, pet?" Sukuna asked me, his eyes boring into mine. My breath hitched as he spoke to me, not knowing what to say back to him in reply.
"You came to me, did you not? I didn't summon you." Sukuna mused, watching my body language like a hawk. He definetly noticed the way my breathing became faster and how I subconsiously took a step back away from.
"Don't tell me you're scared of me now?" The curse mocked, laughing huskily.

"I...realised something after the last time we spoke." I hesitantly muttered out. But he heard me. He always did.
"And?" Sukuna prodded curiously, waiting patiently to be enlightened and most possibly amused.
"You...you're not the same as other curses." I told him, finally admitting it to myself. Not every curse was my friend, he was right to warn me of it.

"Did I not tell you from the beginning?" He replied with an arrogant chuckle. I nodded weakly in agreement.
"I thought all the curses were my friends and that I shouldn't fear any of them. But I don't feel that way anymore because of you...I fear you." I muttered, watching as Sukuna smirked. He no longer rested his head on his fist, instead leaning backward against the back of his throne with confidence.

"You shouldn't fear me." Sukuna advised simply, making me furrow my brows in confusion. Isn't that what he always wanted from me? Fear and terror?
"Why not?" I asked him softly.
"Because we're the same." He advised, making me scoff quietly.
"Don't compare the two of us. We're not the same." I replied full-heartedly, watching as he raised an eyebrow in challenge.

"No?" He replied nonchalantly.
"People fear us for our eyes, our blood-stained hands and our power. Dosen't that make us the same, you and I?" Sukuna continued confidently, making me look down at my feet. What he said made sense... I never thought about it like that. Maybe we were similar. Sure he touched me, but I knew what I agreed to when I agreed to be his. Body, soul and power, right?

"I guess...you're right." I admitted softy, making him scoff loudly with a laugh.
"Of course I'm right." He boasted cockily.
"Now cut the scared little mouse act. It doesn't suit you." Sukuna demanded, making me smile lightly.
"Why? Do you miss the sass?" I asked him with a soft chuckle, his eyes glinting with entertainment before he said,

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't, and oh how I hate liars."

(A.N ~ Just finished crying, give me something nice to read please.)

Chapter 46 Quote Teaser :

"Back in your era...did my clan have enemies?"

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