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next chapter should follow the more normal format. Until then, enjoy this plot relevant chapter with Ash!!! It literally is just Ash. Enjoy.

10 - ash

The best comics were the ones that you found in the back of the library. You pick it up and flip open to the middle. If the drawings are good and the dialogue isn't too bad, you check it out. Right now, I was flipping through Ultimate Spider-man. I couldn't tell you which one. All I knew was Mary-Jane looked hot as fuck in whatever outfit they drew her in. Spidey was being a cheeky asshole, a man I adored for his personality. I always felt that when I read these things, I could escape for a moment, imagine myself as someone else. I could actually be this nerdy guy who somehow is also a genius and is adored by everyone for being simply amazing, saving people with webs and shit.

"You're so whipped," Rain scoffed, sitting down next to me with a bowl of popcorn.

"Why are you still here? It's Saturday." I ignored her comment.

"Just admit it. You think that girl is hot." she offered me some popcorn, and I took a handful.

I gave her a weird look, "What girl? Mary-Jane? I'm starting to..."

"Not her, idiot. That Alice chick-"

I snapped my head towards her, cutting her off mid-sentence, "I don't like her," I said through gritted teeth. She looked away from me, and for a moment I thought she was hurt.

"You're so dense,"

"I know when I like someone," I scoffed.

"You haven't liked someone since-"

"Say the name and I'll throw you out of here so fast you won't even have time to blink." I threatened. She held up her hands in surrender, dropping some popcorn in her mouth.

"Well, it's true,"

"I've liked plenty of people," I countered, narrowing my eyes.

"You've liked the casual sex. Look me in the eyes and tell me you've had feelings for someone that weren't just sexual."

I looked to her, and my mouth shook, trying to get the words out. I made some incomprehensible noises before sighing and looking towards the door. "So what?"

"You like this girl. I can tell." she crossed her arms.

"What do you know?" I barked at her, "All you know is what I tell you. You've never even seen the girl! How would you know how I feel about her? Even if I did...I couldn't."

"And why's that?" she uncrossed her arms, forcing me to look at her with her hand pressing against my cheek.

I shook her off, "Because everyone I love ends up dead," I replied, nails digging into my palms. "Shit," I swore as my eyes began watering. I blinked them away, "fucking eyelash in my eyes, I don't know," I got up from the couch, walking towards the stairs.

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