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Hi. This is a copyright notice. Just this though. The rest is a very crappy chapter one.

Warning: Contains swearing and mild violence later. Probably not violent to any of you, but, to me I guess.

So...That was copyright. I'm setting myself a goal to finish this by May 31st and post it on April 10th. Let's see if I can do it! I've only got 4 chapters done but I'm also doing a play and rehearsing lines and shit so after I'm done with the play I'll be all good to go, you see? Okay. Let's do this.

Crappy first draft starting now:

01 -


It was 7:09. I sat staring at the wall, waiting for class to begin. Soon, the principal's voice would project through the speakers. I watched as the girls in front of me conversated enthusiastically, waving their hands around sporadically.

I yawned. I wasn't able to get to sleep until 2:00 AM the night before. I was a closet nerd for anything comic book related, and had ordered a copy of the latest Ultimate Spider-Man. I'd stayed up reading it and had lost track of time.

Mid-thought, the bell rang. The classroom hushed as Mr. Lee began speaking.

"Welcome back, Beatles. We're glad to have you back after Winter break." The class groaned. No one was happy to be back. "These are your morning announcements. I hope you all had a nice time. The date is January 6th, 2015. Please remember that it is no longer 2014." I rolled my eyes. Does he think we're stupid?

Although, I had forgotten that the year had changed. Sure, I knew it, but I hadn't really thought about it.

As usual, I had spent Christmas alone, indulging in my music and reading old books and comics. I had slept a lot, eaten more, and worked out a bit. Other than that, there was nothing special about it. I missed out on any New Year's parties, anyhow, so the date wasn't that big to me. I did hook up with a few girls, though.

I stopped listening to the announcements and slid my headphones in, drowning out his nonsense. All he did was talk for 5 minutes straight about things we already knew. Most times you couldn't even hear him because the class was too loud.

Once the announcements were over, our teacher, Ms. Houser, began speaking. "Hello, class! Welcome back!" Ms. Houser was relatively young for a teacher, and was all for feminism and equal rights among humans. Her red hair draped down to her bottom, and her heels were never less than 5 inches tall. She never had an outfit less than perfect, normally including her breasts falling out of the top. When she first showed up, I had planned to try to get her to sleep with me. I mean, she looked pretty easy.

But then I got to know her, and I got to know how she functioned. See, she has this thing where she would never let people be called what they wanted to be. A girl with a really hard to pronounce name was forced to be called it, even though she asked us all to call her Yaz. It was a few months into the school year the first time she corrected me and it didn't go so well.

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