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06 - ash

I heard a faint knock on the front door. Lazily, I stood and opened it, unsurprised to see a red faced girl in front of me. "You're late,"

"I killed her!" she whispered yelled. I raised an eyebrow.

"You killed her?"

"Yes, I took my hand and choked her until she couldn't breathe and her eyes fluttered closed like a cat dying-she never let me have a cat, it's so unfair. She said I'd be af-"

"Can you stop with the damn cat?" I interrupted.

"What cat? There is no cat! She won't let me have one!"

I was two seconds away from slamming the door in her face. Instead, I opened it more, allowing her to come inside. It wasn't my fault she was here anyways. I should have made her sit on the porch.

"So, what did you invite me over for?" she asked, smiling like a child who had just gotten informed of the best thing on Earth.

"Your nerd friends asked you to come over here so they could pick you up," I replied nonchalantly.

"Why would they ask you to have me over for them to pick me up when they could have just asked me to come there and save you the hassle of hosting me during that time that gaps between them coming," she took a breath, "and further more, why am I here? What could be so important that they interrupted my down time?"

A moment passed as I tried to comprehend what she said. Instead, I improvised, "I asked the same thing, but they didn't want to encounter your crazy grandma. So, they asked you to come here since I live closest. Plus you already know where I live."

She nodded, seemingly finding this answer pleasing, "Okay!" she said. "How was your day?"

"No, babe," I said sarcastically, "Just wait. Don't talk." she opened her mouth to speak but I tsked at her. She huffed, crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. Netflix opened immediately. I scrolled through titles unable to find something I cared to watch.

"What's that on your TV?" she asked, suddenly directly behind me. I narrowed my eyes and continued scrolling. What didn't she get about 'Don't Talk'?

"Nothing," I snapped, clicking off the TV and staring at my wrist. I began to outline my tattoo, reminding myself over and over.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a child-like tone.

"When is your nerd clan getting here?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"They aren't a nerd clan. What did they ask me to come here for?"

"Some party," I answered, shrugging. I avoided looking at her. She'd just smile at me. I hated when she did that.

"Do you know my name?" she asked suddenly. I thought about it before shaking my head.

"Not at all. Doesn't it start with an E?"

"No!" she gasped, and sitting next to me. "It's Alice! Alice Walker! You're really mean for not knowing," she pouted, crossing her arms.

"Oh," I said, picking at the fabric of my pants, "Okay,"

"Come to the party," she said, switching topics suddenly. I looked at her skeptically.

"Like I'd be caught with your nerd buddies,"

"They aren't nerds!" she yelled exasperated. "They're regular people. Just like you. If you don't want to come as you are, wear a hat."

I pointed to my hood, "Kind of what I'm known for." I said, and her mouth opened to the shape of an 'o'.

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