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That gif makes me really happy.

05 - alice

"So I said to him, 'hey babe, let me get your number' and he said, 'sure babe', but then I told him that I was a guy and he said he wasn't into transgenders and we had a good ol' laugh when I told him there was no transgender in me. Just a male." Alex finished, laughing as he told us his story.

"Alex, are you a homosexual?" Egg asked curiously, scratching his head. "You show all the normal signs, you see? You hit on men instead of women. It may seem like a joke to you, but in reality it isn't. Even as a male, you don't like women. It's rather funny, how as either persona y-"

"Egg!" James snapped. "Yo, kid genius," he whispered. "Use that brain of yours."

Egg smiled sheepishly, "Sorry. I got excited to explain my theory-er-hypothesis."

"Maybe later," Alex grinned, patting Egg on the back. Egg winced.

Yvonne leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Isn't Egg just the cutest?"

I nodded enthusiastically, then pinched her cheek, "Not as cute as you! You're literally so adorbs!" I squealed. She blushed, lightly slapping my hand away. It was true!

"Stop slapping each other," Kent rolled his eyes. "it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt."

"That's right, babe!" Alex pumped his fist. Kent's face saddened, once again realizing it was Alex.

"Will Astrid be joining us soon?" Kent asked him. Alex nodded, holding up four fingers.

"She said she'd be here in four minutes."

"Cool," Kent grinned, cutting his breakfast burrito into four even pieces and taking a bite.

"Are you guys coming to Kent's party?" Kate asked. I nodded.

"I've never been to a party! This will be so much fun!" I said, face erupting in smiles. I hadn't even had sugar yet!

"I don't think you should come..." Kent trailed off, looking at me thoughtfully. "I love you too much for your innocence to get ruined at one of my parties." he rubbed my back soothingly, and gave me a side hug.

"B-but..." I pouted, looking down at my lap.

"No, no, babe. It's nothing like that!" Kent blurted. "It's just...they tend to get a bit crazy. Everyone comes and bring whatever liquor they can find and completely go wild. By everyone - I mean everyone. No one cares about me on a typical day, but when I throw a party I'm their best friend." he removed his hand from my shoulder, and sadly took another bite of his breakfast burrito. "They call me that albino kid."

"You're more than just that albino kid." I reminded him, "You're Kent. The best friend a human could ask for. Your being albino is just an added bonus!" I ruffled his hair and he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.

"I guess,"

"I'm gonna go throw my wrapper away," Kate said, "later losers." We waved her off as everyone finished their breakfast in silence. I looked up to see Mark staring at me. I smiled at him and he blushed, returning to his homework. I'd question him, but he wouldn't be able to answer. I left it alone.


It was art class when I first saw Ash. I took my seat next to him and he made no effort to say hello.

"Howdy, neighbor!" I greeted, smiling as he ignored me further. "HOWDY, NEIGHBOR!" I yelled, placing my head on top of his lap, and staring up at him. He blinked a few times, and thumped my head, causing me to fall out of my awkward position. "Ow." I said, rubbing my head and sitting up.

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