Groveling on His Knees

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She gave him a smile, "You're really not going to push to go back soon? I would think you'd want to get back to work, you're only a short time from making captain after all."

"Ana," He stepped forward, placing his hands on her waist. "If I had a choice between being by your side when you needed me, and being named captain immediately, I'd still be here." Will leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You're worth more than the rank."

She glanced up at him, "Will, you're going to make me start crying if you keep saying things like that." And then she stood up a little straighter and pressed her lips to his and he could not stop himself. He pulled her tight to him, inhaling the clean scent of her skin and let his tongue dance across her lips. He expected her to maintain the chaste kiss she had initiated, or to push him away, but she opened her mouth and let him trace her tongue. He groaned, his eyes closed tight in case he was only dreaming and if he opened them he'd wake.

But no, Ana was sighing into his lips and wrapping her hands around his shoulders. His feet felt clumsy as he guided them to the settee, and Ana settled into his lap. Will was almost panting, he had missed this, had missed her and wanted her and now she was here. He pressed kisses to her jaw, hearing her hum happily as he did. He risked a look at her, hoping that this wasn't just a dream. But no, she was really in his lap, her head thrown back and a smile on her lips. He shivered as he felt her hands brush through his hair, and he pulled back. "I'm sorry."

"No," She leaned down, resting her forehead on his. "Don't be, this is nice.

"But I don't want you to feel like you have to go past this."

Her voice was a whisper, "Then we won't, but I quite like this." Will nodded, surging forward to capture her lips again before the reasonable part of his mind took over. A reasonable husband would not push his wife to resume her duties after a blow like Ana had taken, but then again, he wasn't. He would be content with kisses, with her in his arms and the feel of her lips.

Ana seemed happy to remain on the settee all afternoon, settling herself against him and cuddling close. Eventually their kisses calmed, which was good for Will was terrified that Ana would feel a certain reaction that had started, and they simply spent a good deal of time trading kisses in the warmth of the fire. She settled herself in the crook of his arm, "Part of me wants you to read," She pressed a kiss to his jaw, "And part of me doesn't want you to leave."

He chuckled, holding her a bit closer. "I'm going to have to get up soon, if we want to stay warm." The fire was slowly dying, and was in need of a new log. "I could come back with a book and a slice of gingerbread for both of us?"

"I suppose so." Ana pouted, shifting off of him. "As long as you're quick." Will groaned as he stood up, not only because he was losing Ana but also because it was starting to get bloody cold. So the first thing he did was to stir up the coals of the fire and pile on a few logs to catch. Next, he darted over to the bookshelves in the beginnings of their library. Poetry was not needed at the moment, and he tried to think of something besides Verne for Ana. He trailed his finger across the spines for a moment before pausing on one. The Riddle of the Sands, spies, sailing and intrigue. It would work perfectly.

When he got to the kitchen, the gingerbread refused to yield to the knife that he had selected. With a muttered curse, he found a serrated one and set to work. Sawing wood was probably easier than getting through that bread, and a field of crumbs grew around where he was slicing. After plating the bread, he pressed a finger to it. There was no give, and when he licked his finger and sampled the crumbs, his mouth felt dry as a desert. It tasted decent, but by God it was dry. Scrambling, he poured two glasses of milk to at least try and salvage it.

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