"I hope you are right," he began, reaching out his left hand and presenting a phone that looked identical to my own. "Here, Guardian Jayden mentioned that you were having issues with your phone, so I got you a new one just in case. Don't worry; I've already installed my number and his in case you need anything." He took my hand unexpectedly, placing the phone within it, causing a slight shiver to run down my spine at his light touch.

"T-Thank you, sir," I managed to say, holding the phone in my hand and staring at it. It didn't appear much different from my own phone, but I wondered why he had bought it for me. I hadn't even informed my uncle about the phone issue. Perhaps he somehow knew that my phone wouldn't function properly in this world.

I realized that I had been staring at the phone for quite some time. Raising my head, I looked at Mr. Caddel, who was smiling faintly.

Is there something on my face?

He suddenly cleared his throat, as if trying to dispel the warmth that had enveloped the room.

Is it just me, or is it unusually warm in here? I couldn't help but think.

"It's you," he whispered, but I couldn't quite catch his words. I quickly got up from my seat, eager to leave his office before I embarrassingly started drooling in his presence once again.

"Thank you, Mr. Caddel," I expressed my gratitude once more before hurrying out of the room. As I closed the door behind me, I leaned against it, taking a moment to catch my breath.

I needed to compose myself.

I left his office promptly, searching for Avery and the rest of the gang. It didn't take long for me to hear hushed voices coming from behind a nearby classroom-or rather, a closet.

"Please, let it not be Xavier," I silently pleaded, crossing my fingers in the hope that it wasn't him. Unfortunately, my prayers were denied when I heard Xavier's groans and a female voice whispering his name.

"Hasn't this guy heard of STDs? Or do they not exist in this realm?" I hastily left the vicinity, desperately trying to suppress the nausea rising within me.

Realizing that the others must be in a class, I found myself at a loss of where to go next. Should I return and ask Mr. Caddel about which class I should attend?

Hell no, I thought. Going back to him would require a lot of explaining, and I might even faint from the overwhelming presence he exuded.


I found myself in agreement with my conscience as I aimlessly roamed the school premises. Subconsciously, I ventured beyond the confines of the school building, The lush trees and the dense forest beyond captivated my attention. It was difficult to fathom that I was actually here, immersed in this surreal experience.

Had someone told me that I was not human but rather a hybrid of two powerful nocturnal creatures, I would have scoffed and dismissed it as a ludicrous notion. Yet, here I stood, gazing at my surroundings, when suddenly my train of thought was interrupted by the sighting of someone peering at me from behind the trees. I was taken aback by the fact that I could discern their presence despite the considerable distance between us. The figure remained fixated on me, their gender obscured, concealed beneath a cloak that draped them in shades of black or gray.

An intense gaze-lock ensued between us, until I felt the unexpected touch of a hand on my shoulder, causing me to let out a startled scream. I turned around to find the principal herself-a woman with pale skin and golden eyes-staring at me. My dislike for her still lingered, even in this moment.

"Red, are you alright? What are you doing here?" she inquired, her concerned expression evident. I mustered a response, stammering, "Um... I-I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't know which class to go to, so I came out here."

Her face softened, and she offered me a reassuring smile. "It's alright, Red. Let me take you to your next class." I nodded gratefully, expressing my thanks. As we walked, a restlessness settled within me, and I couldn't resist glancing back to check if the mysterious figure was still there. However, they had vanished.

Was it all just my imagination?

Finally, the principal led me to a classroom, causing heads to turn and gazes to fixate on me. I paid them little mind, my eyes scanning the room in search of familiar faces.

Found them.

"Please excuse Miss Red. I was keeping her occupied, right?" the principal announced, seeking my confirmation for the excuse she had made on my behalf.

"Huh... oh, right," I responded, mustering a fake smile.

"It's not a problem, ma'am. As long as she's with you, she can enter," the teacher replied, granting me permission.

"Thank you. Please proceed with the class," the principal said, departing and affording me the opportunity to take a seat behind the individuals I had been seeking, as they were seated at the front.

It didn't take long for Ana to turn around and shoot me a look that conveyed an unspoken message, "You better fill me in on everything after class." I simply nodded and disregarded the class proceedings, as the subject matter was beyond my comprehension.

Approximately five minutes into the lesson, the door swung open, and Xavier entered, appearing disheveled as if he had just engaged in an intimate encounter.

Oh the irony.

His hair was tousled, and it was hard not to notice the telltale lip stainson his shirt. He glanced around the room, his eyes lingering on me for a brief moment, but his gaze wasn't as intense as Mr. Cad...

"Don't you dare finish his name," my inner voice warned, reminding me of my earlier encounter with my new guardian.

"And what's your excuse this time, Xavier?" the teacher's voice sounded resigned, clearly accustomed to his perpetual lateness.

"I'm seriously sorry. This time, I really intended to come early, but I got distracted..." Xavier's voice trailed off, and I couldn't resist scoffing, capturing his attention.

"I don't want to know. Just find a seat," the teacher motioned, uninterested in his excuses, and resumed the lecture.

Xavier began making his way towards me, and I heard Jacob mutter, "I bet he's going to sit with Red." He made a wager with Dean, who merely rolled his eyes in response.

Please, don't.


Come on!

It was too late to hope, because there I was, seated beside the guy I was pretty sure had a reputation for promiscuity. His smirk suggested he had just found his next target.

"We meet again, Green Eyes,"

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter❤️

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