"Come on James, I am alright. You were saying something." She pushed him.

 "Are you sure? You don't look really good." He asked nod concern in his voice. Sophia kicked him in his shin, he dramatically grabbed his leg. "Ouch! ok, you could say it nicely." James pouted at her, Davis and Lily shared a look then shook her head. "Yeah, I was saying, there are new students coming, do you kn- ouch." David swatted his head, "what was that for?" He again swatted his head.

"Because we already know. Shut up and sit, Mr. Harrington is coming." David said to him and pushed him onto the chair between Sophia and Lily. He pouted and crossed his arms; Lily ruffled his hair before sitting straight too. David was class president, like obviously. Everybody listens to him because he spoke very nicely, he looked very nicely and he smiled very nicely. Looks matter more. 

James's smacked his hand on the table looking at David, Sophia and Lily gave him an odd look. "There isn't any benefit to have a class president as a friend." Both of them burst out in laughter. Soon, Mr. Harrington came and they all sat.

"So, children we have a new transferred students I hope you all will be great to them, please come in the class and introduced yourself." Mr. Harrington spoke after good morning and usual appreciation of Elites Heir, he was a fat guy wearing sweater on button up shirt, his hair slicked back and glasses on bridge of his nose. Two girls came in side-by-side. They were beautiful.

"Hello, my name is Sana Simons, I am 16 years old." The brunette hair girl introduce herself in front of whole class. She said it was like they should remember her face and her name because she owns it. 

"Hello, my name is Elizabeth Morgan, I am also 16 years old." The brown-haired girl spoke confidently, a smile was plastered on her face. She looked like a bright, sunny girl with twinkling violet eyes.

And that's how they all meet and their real-life chapter starts from here. 

Stranger to friends. Friends to couples. Couples to enemies. Enemies to parents. All of them. David Duke, Sophia Osborn, Sana Simone, James Bretons, Lily Brown, Elizabeth Morgan. Many people think that their life ends in tragedy, if only they know after their death the real game start after that. The games which took all of lives. The games which separate a lot of relation. The game which loses trust. The game which going to destroy a lot of lives. Live of their children's.

Everyone says that this was everything because of their money, fame, them being Elite heirs. But not everything was being the heir or fame or about money. This game was everything what happened to them. 

Who will win this game, the parents who lost their love and dignity. The Kids who lost their mothers and childhood. The parents in their happy ending without love or the kids sad ending with their love.

The game of chess.
The game of heirs. 
The game of revenge. 
The game of love.

But can revenge become the progress of life?

The meeting - 1

Sana was sitting crossed legs in a cafe sipping her coffee, while her attention was on the door. You can tell she was impatient but too patient. Her legs were bouncing up and down as if she might knock the table at any minute. The coffee displayed in front of her had been cold. The door opened and Sana released a stressful breath, maybe it was too much for her to wait. A woman same as Sana walk in, too old to called young but too young to be called old.  

"Now, what are you up to Sana?" She asked not even sitting. She eyes her up and down and Sana mind was only screaming to smash the cup of coffee on her head but she held herself. 

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