Season 6 introduction

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Rick and the group lead a herd away from Alexandria as it heads that direction.A few people die from this mission.It was stressful but successful.For the most part at least.

People back in Alexandria dealt with another problem of their own.

While on the misson,a horn goes off from Alexandria.Y/n,Glenn,Heath and Thomas set off to Alexandria to check on everyone,leaving the injured with Michonne.

While trying to find their way back,Y/n got separated from her group,but what save by Enid.
Y/n didn't know what happened to the others, only hoping they were okay.

While Y/n was in her way back she runs into some problems with Daryl.

After finding Sasha and Abraham again they head home in a car full of weapons.But they soon are stopped by people on bikes.Just as they were about to take their weapons Daryl saves them.Then they finally head home.

Home wasn't as safe though.They were fighting off walkers that broke through.

Maggie announces her pregnancy.

They meet a new ally that made a deal if they kill the Saviors they will trade with them.

They fail and Y/n,Maggie and Carol are taken.

Carol leaves.Maggie gets sick and they have to take her to hilltop.But they were interrupted and lined up.

{Till the End} Daryl Dixon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now